Awkward Conversation

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The morning sun light up my tent and the sound of birds causes me to slowly wake up. Something about the waking up to the sounds of nature is peaceful.

I quickly change out of my skirt and dress shirt, into a pair of pants and boots. I needed to be able to get around easier without having to watch my skirt if I'm going to be out hunting.

After getting dressed I silently head over toward the horses. Most of the camp is still asleep so I try to be careful not to make so much noise. Although not all the gang members are here at the moment. Lenny and Micha where out scouting in Strawberry.

Just the thought of my home town causes a pang in my heart. I think of my brother and his family. I wonder how Christopher is doing? It's been so long since I've written to him. I check in with him every few months to let him know I'm not dead or arrested. He doesn't approve of the way I live and doesn't want his children to get involved. So I do my best to give them space, last I've seen them was 3 years ago.

Trying to clear my head of the sad thoughts, I start to pack up Philly Midnight with small supplies I may need. I glance back at the camp one last time and I cannot help but look toward Arthur's tent. He's asleep on his back with his hands behind his neck and hat covering his eyes. I can't help but admire the view, he looks so relaxed. Catching myself staring I mount my horse and head off in search of game.

After a half hour of riding into the forest I dismount from my horse and crouch low to try and spot any tracks. As far as I can tell I see some small tracks, probably from some squirrel or raccoon but I dismissed them needing to find larger game. I decide to head in further, grabbing my rifle off Midnight before I do. I leave him under a nearby tree, if they spot a large horse following me It will be difficult to catch anything.

I head deeper in, careful to go to far, even the most experienced woodsmen could get lost in these forests. A few minutes into searching I found what I was looking for, in a small clearing is a small group of deer, two bucks and a doe. I aim down my rifle toward the buck in the left. If I shot him, the rest will scatter, but if I'm fast enough I may be able to take down another one.

Letting out a slow breath I release the trigger hitting my mark. As expected the others are spooked off but before they could flee, with quickly reflexes i take down another. Bringing my index finger and thumb to my mouth I let out a loud whistle, signaling my horse to come to me. A minute goes by till Midnight makes it over.

I stow the two deer on horse. Realizing I didn't have any room left to ride on, I'd have to walk back. I don't mind it too much, it's beautiful day out and I can use the time to think to myself.


Taking longer than it took to get to the forest I make my way back. I finally make it and bring my deer one by one to Pearson because we don't allow the horses too close into camp.

"Great work Mrs.Hope, it's much appreciated." Mr. Pearson compliments.

"Just doing my part" I say as I walk back front to find more work to do.

I spot Mrs. Grimshaw across camp and approach her.

"Mrs. Grimshaw, do you need any help with anything" I say offering my assistant.

"Sure, plenty of work around here. Go help the girls do some laundry." She replied looking pleased.

"Alright ma'am"

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