Back at Camp

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When I return to the camp, grateful to be back and away from the angry town. Immediately my eyes search the camp for Bill, Javier and Charles. Bill is laying in his tent with a empty bottle in hand, maybe I should wait for him to cool off and sober up. Charles and Javier are talking by the fire with uncle.

I make my way over and overhear Javier talking about the fight.
"That was madness, been in the damn town for 10 minutes and already get into a bar fight" he expresses to the others.

"Hey boys, how are you feeling? Javier you took quite a beating back there." I say turning the to face him with a small smirk plastered on my face.

"Yea but that Tommy seems to have gotten off a lot worse" referring to the large man that Arthur had beaten. Something about the way Arthur could fight a man twice his size and win was really attractive to me.

I look over at Charles, it looks like he had been fine. No bruises or scrapes. It wasn't surprising considering Charles is a large and strong man, who could hold his own in a fight.

"That's not what I expected when you invited me out for a drink" I say directed at Charles with a slight laugh.

Charles chuckled a bit and said "Me neither"

"I think I'm going to head to my tent and relax a little, my fist hurts from punching that drunk." with that I waved them off and went for my small tent.

Most of the other tents were very open, letting in the spring sun and breeze but I prefer my privacy and opt to keep my tent more covered. Sitting down in a bundle of blankets, I pull out a book titled Flora of America. It's just a book about the different types of plants and herbs through the country, very helpful for a survivalist like myself.

After around and hour or so of reading that unmistakable sound of a horse arriving catches my attention. Curious I peek my head out and notice it's Arthur coming back from Valentine. He makes his way toward his cot across the camp and lies down for what I can only guess is a much needed nap.

Going back to my book. I read for a little longer but quickly grow bored knowing most of the information already. I set the book aside and pull up a different book from my stash. It's called The House Beyond the Willow, Mary-Beth let me borrow it. From what she told me it was a adventure and romance novel she adored. Curious I decided I might as well see what it's all about.

Before long the sun fades and the night falls, cooling the temperature down a bit. It must have been hours since I've started the book. As much as I hate to admit it I did enjoy the story so far. It was something along the lines of a woman living alone cabin surrounded by willow trees, she eventually decided she needed to search for adventure and meaning in her life and ends up meeting a mysterious man. It's kinda fascinating.

My stomach growls in hunger so I decide to get up and see what Mr. Pearson had made for supper.

The air is cool with the breeze tingling my exposed skin, I reach toward my bag and pull out a knitted shaw to wrap around my shoulders.

When I reached Pearson's cart, he greeted me when a smile.

"How you doing Mr.Pearson? Enjoying the change of scenery?" I ask.

"Very much. Dinner should be a lot easier to make considering I don't have to stand in the cold freezing my ass off. Only thing is we need more game to cook. The others have been so occupied with other matters hardly anyone has gone out to hunt."

"I can head out in the morning and see what I can find." I suggest, always willing to help where I can.

" That would be great Mrs.Hope, thank you" he said with appreciation .

With that I left to grab a bowl of stew, before I return to my tent I notice Arthur is awake and writing in his journal. I wonder what he writes in it? I question myself.

He's been asleep since he's been back and probably hasn't eaten. I decide to prepare another bowl and head toward his tent.

"Mr.Morgan I noticed you haven't eaten yet, would you like some?" I offer him the other bowl politely.

"Sure, that's very kind of you." He reaches out and takes the bowl.

"So how's that wound of yours?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"I've had worse, hardly notice it" he says as he takes a bite.

"That's good, I'm no doctor myself but I reckon I patched it up fine."

"Maybe we need a Doctor, considerin' how many times this bunch gets themselves in trouble" he suggests

"I couldn't do it, with all the bruises and scrapes you boys get into, id likely go mad and give you some of my own. I say with a laugh

Arthur has an amused look on his face but doesn't reply.

A silence falls upon us. It's hard for me to talk to him sometimes. He can be intimidating at times, I'm not the type to be intimidated either. It's strange I find myself overthinking what I wanna say to him most times I talk to him. I don't normally find myself so unsure, so nervous. I decide I should go back to my tent before I make a fool out of myself in front of him.

Getting up to leave I turn to him. Before I tell him goodnight, Arthur breaks the silence.

"I never got to to tell you thank you for patching me up back there." He speaks in gravelly voice that I can't help but find charming. "So, um, thank you" he finally says aft r a short pause.

"Of course Mr.Morgan" I say, slightly shy.

"You can call me Arthur."

I smile "goodnight Arthur"

"Goodnight Victoria" with that I head back to my tent. Reliving the conversation again in my head. Why do I keep thinking about him?

After I finish my food, I set the bowl aside deciding I'll return it in the morning. Closing the opening of my tent, I lie down in the bundle of blankets and close my eye. My last thoughts before I drift off are of Arthur.

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