Fight at the Saloon

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I had been with the Van Der Lin gang for around 6 months now and life has been a lot easier since. I had lived the life of a outlaw for close to 10 years now. It's hard to believe I've been gettin. By on. My own for a decade, the rough life I lived toughened me up. I didn't choose this life but quickly it became everything you knew.
The gang ran into some serious trouble with the pinkertons after a botched ferry robbery. The entire gang now had to flee Blackwater. Some of us didn't make it, others were badly injured.

Eventually the gang found sanctuary south of a town called Valentine. The weather was warm and much appreciated considering they had to run into a blizzard in the mountains to escape the Pinkertons. The gang settled on a camp in a place called horseshoe overlook. It's nice, plenty of trees to keep camp covered from the law.
I had been working my ass off trying to help get the camp in order. Often working both jobs the men and women did, I'm not a stranger to hard work. Mrs.Grimshaw the gangs arbiter appreciates the work I do, especially the lack of attitudes I give her. Truth be told i don't care to much about doing chores, it was better than living life alone sleeping with one eye open.
I'm not much of a socialite but found it pretty comfortable with the gang members. Abigail and her son Jack are always kind. Sean was a loudmouth but I enjoyed his company. Hosea is wise and always give you good advice whenever you needed. Javier was a good friend and entertaining to talk with. And then there was Arthur. He was distant at first, he didn't know what to expect when you joined. Can't blame him either, women gunslingers were rare to come by, but I quickly gained his respect.
The gang doesn't really know much about me or my past, I like to keep it that way. What they did know was that I had been living on the run and knew my way around a gun. During my time alone I managed to pick up a few tricks, basic survival skills.

"Mrs Hope, go bring some hay for the horses, they haven't eaten much since we left Colter" Mrs. Grimshaw called to me.
"Alright, I'll be there in a moment" I replied, getting up from my place under a shady tree. It feels like weeks since I've been able to sit and enjoy the soft breeze. Things around camp have been particular tense after all that's happened.

I made my way toward the cart and picked up a large hay bale. It was hard to get a good grip on it because of the awkward size.

"Need some help there Victoria?" A voice spoke. Turing your head you spot Charles making his way over toward you. Before you campus reply he grabs the bale anyway.

"Thanks, it's hard to get a grip on the damned thing." You spoke

"No worries, I don't mine helping"

"Are you settling in alright?
Mrs. Grimshaw got us working are asses of getting the camp together." You spoke with a light laugh

"Need a break? A couple of us are headed down to the saloon in that livestock town Valentine, come join us" Charles offered

"Sure, sounds a lot better than listen to Mrs.Grimshaw and Karen going at it" you joked. "Go ahead without me, I'll catch up after I'm down with this, Mrs. Grimshaw still needs to me to water the horses"

"Alright I'll see you there" with that Charles went mount his horse and took off into the trees.

This should be fun, I needed a drink after all this. Charles was always good company, a little quiet sometimes but I'm not much of talker neither.

A half hour later I finished and managed to slip off. I mounted my black and white painted pinto Philly Midnight (haha get it, like billy midnight the gunslinger). He's a good horse always reliable, I've had him for years. If I'm being entirely honest I stole him from some outlaw trying to rob me on a bridge. Since then Philly Midnight and I have been inseparable.

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