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It was my second day of school and it honestly hadn't been as bad as I thought. Today I had double chemistry so I was super pumped, as I got to sit next to Annie. I got to school and my Chem teacher asked me to introduce myself as we hadn't had a proper introduction. "Hi I'm Asher angel, I'm 15 and I like to sing" as I sat down I saw Annie staring at me, when I looked in her direction she quickly looked away and the smile I saw on her face turned into a frown. "Okay so the person your sitting with is going to be your partner for the rest of the semester" exclaimed the teacher. I looked at Annie and said " hey partner" she didn't even flinch. I had to get her to like me or even talk to me, she was the most beautiful person I had ever saw, her big brown eyes sparkled in the sun. For the rest of the lesson we had to talk to our partners about what we were going to do for our project. "So do you have any ideas" I asked Annie but she just shrugged. "Look" I said "I know we've only just met but at some point you will have to talk to me" "I guess" she said. When she said that i was happy, i never thought she'd talk to me. "Your assignment is due in 3 days" shouted the teacher as he dismissed us. Annie shot out of the door before anyone and I ran after her. "Annie wait up" I yelled, she stopped and said "what do you want" "I was wondering if you would like to come to my place after school to work on our project" "sure" she said. I felt relieved that she didn't turn me down.
Skip to after school-
I was waiting at my locker for Annie, I was really nervous. Do I like her? I asked myself. My thoughts were interrupted by Annie waving in my face "are we going or not" she asked. "Yeah let's go". We arrived at my house and my parents weren't home so we had the whole house to ourselves. We sent up to my bedroom and started our project, halfway through we got distracted and started talking to each other about ourselves. "So where are u from" Annie asked
AA- I'm from Arizona, what about you
A- well I grew up in Maryland but then I moved to lA about a year ago, when my.. never mind.
Annie started to tear up. "Everything okay" I asked " yeah I think I should go home" "I can walk you home if you want" I said "sure" Annie replied .
We got to her house and I said goodbye, she still looked upset "see you tomorrow I guess"
(A/N)- if you actually read this thank you💗

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