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Ashers pov-
Today was the day I was taking Annie Leblanc on a date. Was I excited? Hell yeah! I started getting ready, I took a shower and changed into something nice but nothing too fancy. I was taking her to the beach, it was one of my favourite places in the world. I texted Annie to see weather she was ready.
Aa- Hey just making sure your still up for this date?
A- I wouldn't miss it for the world :)
Aa- okay, pick you up in 10 :)
I got to Annie's door and she opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked stunning. "Woahhh" I said "is something wrong" she said, I replied with "yes you are too beautiful" she gave me a small smile and we got into the car (A/N- let's pretend that he can drive just for the story) i gave Annie my phone to choose a song, she put on Let me down slowly by Alec Benjamin. She started singing and it was like my ears were blessed. Her voice was amazing. I looked at her with a smile on my face and said "are you serious, why do you never sing, your voice is amazing" she just smiled and said "thanks Asher"
By the time we got to the beach the sun was setting, it was the perfect view. I took Annie's hand as she got out of the car and our fingers interlocked, we walked over to the sand and sat down. "Wanna go in the sea" I asked, before she said anything she got up and ran over to the ocean. I followed her and I saw that a tear was rolling down her face "what's wrong" I asked. "When we were little, me and Caleb, we loved the beach and the ocean, I can't remember the last time I came to the sea." I didn't say anything I just hugged her from behind as we watched the sun set.
The perfect view with the perfect girl
Annie's pov-
I know that this was supposed to be a happy day but the beach reminds me of Caleb and how he's not here anymore. Luckily I have Asher now to comfort me and tell me everything will be okay. Will everything be okay? It was getting late so we walked back to the car, Asher turned the music on quietly and I managed to drift of to sleep. During the car ride I woke up and heard Asher singing, it was beautiful. "So you can sing too huh" I asked "I mean yeah" he said. I sat up to look out the window and I felt a hand on my thigh, it was Ashers hand, I didn't mind this it was just out of no where. I looked at him and smiled. He was just perfect. We arrived back at my house and he walked me to my door. I gave him a hug and he leaned in for a kiss, I kissed back. We were just stood there staring at each other, like in a romance film, except this was real life.
(A/N)- I hope your enjoying the story if you have any ways that I can improve let me know💗

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