Intermediate Cognietrics

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The Mentalities

Classicist-Discoverers and Progressive-Inventors have a Conceptual Mentality that deals with inclusive designs, due to the use of established insights for conjectural purposes.

Progressive-Discoverers and Classicist-Inventors have a Patterned Mentality that deals with recurring configurations, due to the use of conjectural insights for established purposes.

Types share a Mentality with Relationships Rated 13, 11, 3, 1, 5, and 4. A common Field occurs when the Referential Function of a Type is the Responsible Function of another Type whose Referential Function is not the Responsible Function of the first Type. This imbalance in the Consciousness Hierarchy tends to lead to a one-sided Relationship, which is why these Relationships are Rated the lowest of the ones that contain a shared Value. In Socionics this is known as "Supervision"; however, I believe that this is a bad name for the Relationship because the Type known in Socionics as the "Supervisor" in Cognietrics is held Responsible by the Responsible Function to the other Type's more active but less accountable Referential Function and so effectively becomes a supervisee. In reality however, there are instances where the Socionics "Supervisor" begins to hold accountable the actions of the Socionics "Supervisee" using the Socionics "Supervisee's" own Responsible Function. I think that due to the uniqueness of each Relationship, descriptions such as these are ultimately not good predictors of Relationships, which is why I choose to Rate them instead using shared Values as predictors of success. Because this Relationship exists when either the Referential or the Responsible Function is shared, two Types share the 4 Rating. The 5 Rating occurs for Types that have Functions that Complement in order those of either of the Types Rated 4. Other Relationships that share the Field include the identical Type and the Type of the same Temperament but opposite Manner.

The Fields

Patterned Judgers - INTJ→ESTJ→ISFJ→ENFJ→INTJ

Primary -Expert- Act based on Patterns to determine what they mean collectively and respond.
Secondary -Theorist- Delay action based on Concepts to check references.

Conceptual Judgers - ENTJ→INFJ→ESFJ→ISTJ→ENTJ

Primary -Philosopher- Act based on Concepts to choose methods suitable for accomplishing a goal.
Secondary -Prospector- Delay action based on Patterns to evaluate success and update worldview.

Patterned Perceivers - ENTP→ISTP→ESFP→INFP→ENTP

Primary -Prospector- Delay action based on Patterns to mine data and seek rewards.
Secondary -Philosopher- Act based on Concepts to exploit resources using accepted methods.

Conceptual Perceivers - INTP→ENFP→ISFP→ESTP→INTP

Primary -Theorist- Delay action based on Concepts to simulate realities and respond accordingly.
Secondary -Expert- Act based on Patterns to pursue new avenues as they become available.

Experts and Theorists are Scholars; they stay well-informed about topics that interest them.
Philosophers and Prospectors are Visionaries; they have a direction for pragmatic development.

An ESFJ I interviewed likes to tell people her Philosophies about life, of which she has many. She believes that helping people is more important than materialism, that hard work pays ("there is no easy money"), and that you should be careful in what you say because "though people may not remember what you said, they will always remember how you made them feel".

An ESFP I know loves to look through garage sales to make old belongings into new Prospects; when he is on eBay he has a general idea of what he wants but likes to look around, searching for price Patterns in certain combinations of qualities that will result in the best deal.

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