El Empaque y La Despedida (Parte Dos)

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The Packing and The Goodbye (Part Two)

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you-" Riley's voice broke slightly. "Why didn't you tell me before everyone else. Hell, you told Rachel before me." He turned to look at her astonished that she would have the audacity to hide this from him or not tell him like he wasn't important to her.

"I didn't know how to, I don't know." Valeria was lying her ass off knowing that wasn't the reason why he didn't tell him. The real reason was that Valeria and him had a simple friends with benefits relationship and it was in junior year that he confessed to her that he was starting to develop feelings for her that she couldn't return. But she didn't confirm nor deny her own feelings because it was nice to feel wanted by someone else. She knew it was wrong to use him for sex knowing he liked her and she didn't so she could feel wanted for a night.

"Do I just not meaning something to you? It that it?" He asked wanting to understand her thought process about not thinking through her actions. After everything they'd been through, the nights he would confide in her personal things, his thoughts, his worries, his dreams, and his aspirations. She was going to treat him like none of that had occurred.

"It's not that." Valeria was trying to formulate a half ass explanation without blurting out the truth and without leaving LA with him believing they had a chance. She was failing miserably at it too because she didn't know how to let him down easy.

"Then what is it? Huh! If I wasn't there were you even going to tell me? Was I an afterthought to you! Answer me!" He screamed gripping her face so she could look at him in the eye. "I was there for you when you thought your parents were going to get a divorce, when you came out to your parents and they didn't accept you right away, I was there for you!"

"Yeah, you were. But just because you were doesn't mean you have to throw it in my face. If you actually liked me like you say you do, you would have done those things willingly, because you wanted to be there for me. Not so you could shove them in my face about how 'ungrateful' I'm acting." She replied prying his hand away from her face never seeing him acting like this before. Of course he's seen him angry before, but never as furious as he seemed right now. She began worrying if he was placing the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Well you are acting ungrateful, after all the time I wasted on you. Trying to get closer to you. I would be there for you so that I could get you to see me, that I was a good friend and could be an even greater boyfriend. I guess I threw all that time in the trash considering you're leaving." Riley made sure to hurt her as much as he was hurting currently because of her action of pulling the rug beneath him in front of everyone else.

Valeria took deep breath knowing fully well that he was doing it on purpose to harm her with his words, and it was working.

"I just don't get why you wouldn't tell me." Riley almost seemed as if he was talking to himself after a long pause between them. "You make it seem like you used me, and I stupidly allowed you to." He exhaled harshly much like a bull would. "You fucking used me! You bitch. How could you do that? Just know that if something ends up happening to you in that gang-swarmed ghetto neighborhood with your dead beat father, you'll be getting what you deserve."

"Yes! You were! I used you, because you were easy to use. I never liked you, I used you for your dick this entire time. I never liked you. And I never will." Valeria threw the car door open after her outburst and got out of the Audi and walked to Rachel's car avoiding any eye contact knowing that she had destroyed Riley with her revelation. But in her defense he was being a dick when he mentioned the people of Freeridge and especially her father. No one had the right to be say anything rude about her father in front of her.

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