Cumbias y Trapeadores

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Cumbias and Mops

It had now been a week since the whole spitting in the face incident occurred between her and Spooky. She thought she would have to buying her casket at the ripe of age of 17 but realized it wasn't necessary when he greeted her normally at a party Ignacio dragged her to the day before.

Now it was the day after the party and she was walking towards Spooky's house because she was searching for her necklace she had on at the party but couldn't find it anywhere in her house this morning. She decided to check if Spooky had found it anywhere in the house because it was the present her grandfather Matteo, Rafael's father, had gotten her for her birthday a few years ago. It was a beautiful black rose encrusted with diamonds on the petals. 

She was hoping and praying it was there because if not she would surely cry because after he gave her that necklace he went back to live in Italy with his distant family and hadn't seen him in person. They held contact with video chats and emails but it wasn't the same.

She knocked lightly on the door because it was early and hoped that he was awake but if he wasn't, she didn't want to be the one to wake him up. It was almost noon but for all she knew, he could still be knocked out.

Luckily she heard footsteps from the other side of the door approaching it and was grateful it was the younger Diaz.

"Hey Valeria," Cesar said smiling at her but was a little surprised to see her there.

"Hey Cesar, I was wondering if you by any chance found a necklace, it's a black rose. I lost it last night and I can't find it anywhere." She said ringing her hands together hoping he would say yes.

"I literally just got up and Oscar is still asleep so we haven't even cleaned up yet, sorry." He said with a sad smile on his face and opened the door wider and motioned her to step in to see the aftermath of the party. She and Ignacio had left the party early, around midnight because she felt her period come that night and didn't have anything with her. So she was forced to leave the party for a girly emergency and decided to stay home when the cramps began.

"What if I help you clean and I look for my necklace?" She offered with a smiling hoping he would accept.

"Help cleaning this up? Yes please." He said feeling grateful at her offer knowing that Oscar wouldn't wake up until another while so he was expecting to have to clean this all up himself.

"Alright, you have trash bags?" She asked looking at the absolute disaster that was in the house. There was solo cups, empty beer bottles, chip bags, food, and other random objects littered everywhere. There was a puddle of yellow liquid near the trash can and she was hoping that it was spilled beer, not pee as she initially thought once she saw it. If the kitchen and living room as a dirty and messy as they were, she was absolutely dreading to see the bathrooms or the bedrooms. She wasn't about to clean up someone's piss or throw up.

They both began cleaning up until Valeria noticed it was quite boring to be walking around the house and throwing cups into trash bags. So she snatched a beats speaker off of the dinner table and connected her phone to her Spotify playlist titles as Cleaning Music and put it on shuffle. The first song that began playing was her absolute favorite song to dance and clean to: Suavemente by Elvis Crispo.

She began walking around with a pep in her step and noticed Cesar was swaying with the music as well. She made sure it wasn't extremely loud so she wouldn't wake up Oscar but loud enough for them to hear it clearly.

The next song that began playing was another personal favorite, Baila Esta Cumbia by Selena. She was in a good mood considering she had to pick up a half eaten Rice Krispy Treat that she was pretty sure had someone's vomit on it. She used the inside of the to pick it up so it didn't make direct contact with her hand. But just to be safe, she washed her hands thoroughly. After a few more songs played that they were both dancing and singing along to, the man of the hour made an appearance.

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