Ch6- Rictusempra

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You manage to get through the rest of your classes without crying, even if you want to. You go to dinner but plan to not eat much of it and of course Cedric isn't there in his usual spot. When the day is over you get ready for bed and lay down but instead of sleeping all you think about is Cedric.

Why would he talk to me like that? He's sad and was just broken up with no reason as to why.

Why won't he talk to me? He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to.

Does he hate me? No?

Will I ever have a chance with him? Maybe.

You groan at your subconscious and continue to toss and turn all night trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. After half an hour you drift off to sleep and start to dream of Cedric, but something is different. Instead of your dreams being of you and him at the yule ball or him as a vampire, you and Cedric seem to be enemies. You're yelling at each other in the halls, putting salt in each other's food and hexing his robes. Cedric is yelling at you, spitting your name and you find it hard fight back.

You are normally the strong Hufflepuff that can prove people wrong but the fact that Cedric isn't a friend in this dream makes it a nightmare. You think it couldn't have been this hard is Harry and Draco could get over it but it's proving difficult. Dream Cedric trips you and just as you hit the floor you wake up to Emma.

"Rise and shine!" Emma just about yells as she is opening up the curtains. You squint your eyes as the light from the window hits you.

"Emma!" You say delirious.

"No time to wine you're gonna be late" She says. You roll over and see the time on a muggle clock your parents game you. It reads: 8:45.

"We've missed breakfast!" you get up in a hurry and stumble around trying to get ready for class

Emma laughs at the sight of you and watches as you spin around half dressed trying to find your books.

"What are you laughing at? We are gonna be late! Class starts in ten minutes" You say jumping around to get your shoe on.

Emma falls to the ground laughing "I set the time on your muggle clock an hour early!" she says as if she done something amazingly funny. You stop dead in your tracks and stare at her.

"You have got to be kidding me!" you say in a sternly.

"Nope, now you might want to fix your hair up before Cedric sees you" she giggles.

You don't bother to fix your hair because you couldn't care less about Cedric right now and want to prove that to Emma. Instead you pull your wand out at Emma and mutter under your breath Rictusempra.

You watch as Emma goes to stand up she falls back to the ground laughing uncontrollably. She tries to get her words out through her laughing.

"Y/n, please. Stop. Y/n!!" You on the other hand are also laughing so much so you lose concentration and the spell stops Emma looks at you. You have a scared look on your face, there's a silence. Both of you burst out laughing until finally relaxing a bit.

"I didn't know you knew the tickling charm! Maybe I should have thought It through for my own sake." Emma says sitting down on her bed.

"Well I learnt it hoping it would come in handy. Sure did too." You say puffed out a little.

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