Ch8- Your brother?!?!

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After finishing classes, you go down to dinner. As you stand in the door way of the great hall and you see Cedric sitting in his usual spot however you notice his friends aren't with him. You glance over to his friends, including your brother, and see them looking at Cedric with disgust. Your brother is usually nice and really kind, key word being usually, so it takes you a second to figure out why he's got such an odd look on him face. That's when you see it. Cho. You watch her and think

I can't believe she would drop Cedric like that... who ever she is with now can in no way be as kind and loving as Ced.

Cho keeps walking and passes the Ravenclaw table, which is odd because, well, she's in Ravenclaw. She then passes you, at this point you've sat down next to Cedric, and keeps walking until she reaches you brother. It's at that moment that you realise your brother is the one who's 'better than Cedric'. Your fuming as she continues to kiss him on the cheek. Cedric notices you are looking,

"What is it?" He says and looks to where your eye line is. He sees Cho and your brother cuddling.

"I'm so sorry Ced I had no idea" you say as try comfort him however he starts crying silently in his seat.

"Y/n it ok I..i um.. have to go." he says as he walks up and leaves.

You go after him "Cedric it's ok just talk to me" you say catching up.

Cedric turns to enter the courtyard and sits down; you sit next to him,

"Hey Cedric... I'm so sorry" you say softly trying to reassure him it will be fine.

"I loved Cho... am I really that bad of a boyfriend? she must really hate me" you listen to Cedric ramble.

"Cedric, she broke up with you to be with my brother that proves she never realised how great of a guy you are... and has a really bad taste in men. Come on she's not worth it." You pause.

"Let's go practise for our test tomorrow." you say before it gets awkwardly silent.

He nods and follows you to prepare for your DADA assessment. You love defence against the dark arts, you're one of the only Hufflepuffs who do, other than Emma of course. Cedric is good but he doesn't like DADA much, at least it'll get his mind of Cho. You finish the practicing your spells and study books and head to bed exhausted

I love Cedric but keeping him happy is hard... I may have to have a chat with Cho... or my brother 

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