Ch10- Emma will always be your best friend

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"This is about poorrrrr wittile Cedric isn't it?" Cho says rolling her eyes.

"Don't say it like that!" you reply.

"Oh? I'm so very sorry I hurt little itsy bitsy boyfriends... hope you like left overs" she says about to turn away but you catch her wrist and pull her so close you can feel her breath.

"First he is not my boyfriend and second, don't, and I mean DON'T even look at me or Cedric ever again." You accidentally spit on her face a little. It's not like you to be this aggressive but Cho hurt your Cedric more than ever and no one has the right to do that. Cho doesn't say anything probably to shocked you yelled at her, you scared you too, instead she just nods and runs back around the corner.

You shuffle back to the Hufflepuff common room to confide in Emma, she's always gonna be there for you to talk to and give you good advice even if she's being honest it always helps.

"How'd it go??" Emma says quizzically the moment you enter the room.

"Well I didn't really talk to her as such, I kind of yelled, but still didn't get much out of her...."

"And?" Emma asks.

"I found her kissing a girl which was unusual considering last time I saw her she was with my brother, so I don't know what to do." you express flopping down in one of the couches next to Emma

"Interesting... huh... a fellow queer? The gay Hogwarts community doesn't want her" Emma chuckles leaning back in her seat.

"Fellow queer eh? Thank you for trusting me. Also, I agree don't let Cho in." You tell her with a chuckle.

"Thanks for being such a good friend to me, merlin knows you needed me anyway." Emma replies laughing giving you a smile you will never forget.

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