4-I Don't Mind The Punishment

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Emma sat in the Dean's office, her legs twitching uncontrollably as she waited with Matt for the dean to arrive.

It was not exactly her fault, so she really did not know why she was there. She thought about what Matt had said. About being his fake girlfriend. It was pretty ridiculous but she had strong feeling that it might work. Maybe Penny did have feelings for Matt, but she didn't realise them yet. She had observed how Penny's face would light up everytime Matt said hi to her.

On the other hand, this was an opportunity to make new friends. Matt was an amazing guy, which she had observed when Matt had repeatedly requested Mr. Clinton to not punish Emma. But Emma had always known that the professor had some kind of grudge against her.

So here she was, staring unintentionally at Matt, as he looked down at his lap, his shoulders hunched as if he was carrying a big burden.

After about two minutes, the door of the office swung open and the dean entered, wearing his usual grim expression. Emma had never see the man smile her entire life. He cleared his throat and looked directly at her.

"Will somebody explain the whole situation to me?", he said, with such a cold tone that made Emma flinch. She was about to reply when Matt sat straight and began to explain their "little" incident, leaving out their wonderful conversation.

"Well, the punishment for this situation is either suspension, or....", the dean stopped and looked at them. Emma could not afford to be suspended. She had to maintain her GPA, otherwise it would be very difficult to get into an Ivy League school.

"W-what is the second option, sir? ", she asked, as politely as she could.

"Or you would have a two-hour detention everyday for a week and 48 hours of community service", said the dean, smirking as if he enjoyed giving such punishments.

In the end, the dean gave them the second punishment. They walked out of the door as the lunch bell rang and students poured out of the classrooms. As the Chemistry class had been graced with the presence of Kelly, in about five minutes, the entire grade knew about their 'incident'. Because of this, the Chemistry lab had to be shut died for a day and many people thought that they had done this to kill Mr. Clinton. 

So when the walked into the hallway towards their lockers, many people smiled at them and congratulated them, while they got some very dirty looks from the rest of the staff.

Safe to say, Mr. Clinton was not a very liked teacher in that school.

Emma had still been thinking about Matt's offer. So before they went their separate ways, she what told Matt to meet her in front of the school building after detention. He nodded sadly and stalked towards his locker.

Lunch had been very awkward, as when she entered the cafeteria with Penny, everybody turned to look at her. So she rushed out of the hall and ate her food on the bleachers with Penny.

Penny had been bursting to tell her something since the beginning of lunch break nd now that they were sitting alone on the bleachers she told Emma, "You know what Kelly told me in the morning?"

"No", replied Emma. She was never really interested in the school gossip, but Penny would still tell her anyway

"Will broke up with Chloe", Penny said with a smile, "I always thought that Will was too good for that bitch."

"Oh are you crushing on Will now?" Emma joked.

"Nah, not my type," Penny said with a thoughtful look. And Emma felt a momentary wave of relief spread through her.

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