27-Here's My Number

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Penny ran into the tutoring center and sat down at the table in the corner.

Kyle looked up from the sheet of music that he had been surveying and smiled, "You're late for the twenty-nineth time", he said, and put the sheet of music inside his bag.

Penny groaned," Can you stop counting, Kyle?"

Kyle laughed, "But it's fun!"

Penny frowned at him, which made Kyle grin even more. His blue-gray eyes crinkled around the corners and his golden brown hair looked almost blonde in the bright lighting of the tutoring center.

"Okay, sorry Kyle, for being late for the twenty-nineth time", said Penny.

Kyle smiled and opened the math book lying in between them, then looked up at her and gave her a solemn nod," Apology accepted", then he grinned again, "for the twenty-nineth time."

Penny flipped the cover of her math book and Kyle laughed again. He laughed so heartily, she couldn't really help but smile.

But Penny looked at him seriously again,"Thanks, Kyle, for taking some time out for me. I know how busy you are, with the Battle of the Bands and all..."

Kyle smiled again, "No problem at all, Penny. It gives me a break from all the music."

Penny looked at him uncertainly, "Aren't musicians like 'Music for breakfast, music for lunch and music for dinner' ?"

Kyle laughed loudly at that, "Who told you that?"

Penny blushed for sounding so stupid, "I don't know. Musicians feel like religious people."

Kyle closed his eyes, as if trying to control his grinning, "You, know what? We'll talk about religious musicians tomorrow at homecoming, where you are going with me as my date."

Penny sat back, kind of surprised by the sudden offer. Their conversation had escalated really quickly, " Me? As your date? What about Vanessa?"

Kyle's smile disappeared, "I broke up with her."

Penny's smile dropped as well, "Why?"

Kyle placed his elbows on the desk, "First, I was on my way to break up with her when I caught her cheating on me with some weird frat boy."

"And why were you on your way to break up with her?", Penny asked.

"Because I thought I was cheating on her when I started getting  much stronger feelings for someone else", Kyle said, looking straight into her eyes.

And Penny just said, "Oh."

"So? Are we going together?"

Penny looked down. What about Matt? What about Emma? She hadn't had a proper conversation with her best friend for about a month now. She hadn't even met Matt for like three weeks, leaving basketball practices out. Matt hadn't asked her to be his date, and she did want to hold out on him. Maybe if she went with somebody else, he could ask Emma out without feeling guilty. And it was Kyle. The guy who somehow miraculously ended up at the park every time she went there. He was the sweetest, most intelligent guy she knew, and she had this wide open opportunity to be with him.

Kyle looked at her nervously, "Did I do something wrong? You are the second girl I've ever asked out, I-I don't really have p-practice. Oh God, I forgot about your recent situation. It's Matt isn't it? That's why you're not going with me", He rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes, "How can I be so dumb? I should have known that I would put you in an awkward position", Kyle sat up straight and loosed a breath, "You know what? Just forget I-I ever asked you. Let's f-focus on Calculus..."

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