25-It's A Little Bit Funny, This Feeling Inside

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Matt stood at the kitchen counter wearing a flowery apron, staring at the recipe for fried chicken.

His family had gone for a vacation to Las Vegas, leaving him behind because of the upcoming basketball season. The Harriers had their work cut out of for them. And everybody expected him to lead them to victory.

He started thinking about the game strategies he had discussed with Coach that evening. But he still thought that because of Chad's shooting skills, he should be made the shooting guard instead of Stan. That idiot Stan hardly ever attended practices, partied before game nights, then sometimes showed up hungover at practice.

But the loud banging on the door diverted his attention.

He frowned and looked at the clock. Who could show up at his door at 10:30?

He walked to the front door and opened it to find Penny standing there. 

He sucked in a breath. She looked terrible. Her hair and clothes were disheveled, her eyes looked wild, she was holding a bottle of beer in each hand, and she reeked.

Oh God, she was drunk again.

"What took you so long to open the door?", she drawled, pushing him behind as she entered.

"What are you doing here?", he asked,"And more importantly, why are you drunk?"

Penny smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "Let me share my wisdom with you. Man drinks for two reasons-", she began, but Matt cut her off.

"I know the reasons. What were doing at me threshold?"

"Oh, I was counting the stars", she said and giggled.

"Counting the stars?"

"Yes. And I saw...", Penny frowned and rubbed her thumb over her cheek, as if pretending she was scratching an imaginary beard," huh, I don't remember now. Wait let me go out and count again", she said and turned around.

Matt put his hands on her waist and pulled her back,"No, its okay. No need. How long were you there anyway?"

Penny giggled,"I dunno. An hour maybe?"

"An hour?!"

"I was drinking and I knew my mother won't let me in. Emma was not there at her house, that's why I came here. But then you had said you hated me, that's why I sat and counted the stars. My butler and I used to do that when we couldn't sleep. I started feeling cold and thought I should come inside", Penny said slowly, dragging each syllable.

Matt felt terrible. Penny was in such a state because of what Matt had told her.

He quickly grabbed his Letterman jacket and gave it to Penny. She smiled and shrugged it on.

"Where are your parents? Are they playing Hide-And-Seek?", Penny said, then walked to the kitchen and peered inside,"Matt's parents!", she called out,"Hello!"

Matt ran up to her and made her sit at the dining table,"My parents are out, Penny. God, have some dinner, then I'll drop you home."

But Penny gripped his arm, and with tears welling up in her eyes, she said,"No no, not home. If my mother gets very mad. Just drop me at the park or somewhere, I-I'll sleep on the bench."

Matt's chest ached, as if somebody had grabbed and twisted his heart inside. Penny looked so miserable, so lonely, it broke his heart. She had come here for his help, and he couldn't let her sleep on the bench.

"Okay, fine. You can sleep in Hannah's bedroom if you want", he said.

Penny grinned, got up shakily and gave him a hug. His heart thundered as she pulled away and looked at him sleepily. Then all of a sudden, she pressed her lips to his cheek, "Thank you Matt", she said and sat down again.

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