Chapter 5: When I Die

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Rainy's P.O.V


My head is drowsy as the strange man pulls me up.

I struggle in his grasp, but he keeps a bloody good grip. I loom down at my dragging feet.

"Agh..." I moan as the pain in my foot comes to me.

"Wagn... Wagnerr...." I say, still looking down at my feet.

I smile as I heat a response.

"Rainy I'm...... " I hear a grunt then the man carrying me says "He's no where." He says it in a Stern voice, as if talking to someone.

We finally reach our destination and feel cold metal under my back beneath my clothing. I close my eyes, wanting to leave this place and be with Allyson and Wagner.

I open my eyes and sit up as I hear a thud. I watch the door close and wait for something to rise up from the ground, but nothing does. I slowly jump down from the metal bed, and see a bag.

A familiar bag.

Aria's backpack.

Do they have Aria here too?

I rush to the backpack and unzip it, eager to see what's inside. I stare at the bloodied shirt for a moment. A gray shirt, Wagners shirt. Its folded nicely in the small bag. I take it out.

"No, it can't be..." I tell myself. "Its not." I say again. I look at the shirt once more. "NO! NO NO NO NO! No no no no......" I throw the shirt across the room. I have to face it. He's dead. Gone. I feel the urge to punch something, no, someone. I stand up. This is so stupid. All of it is.

I look back into the bag and see a bracelet. Firess, like fire, but more destructive. Aria gave this to Firess for her 16th birthday last year. She is destructive isn't she? Suits her well. She wouldn't let someone kidnap her.. Would she? Maybe they came after me and got caught?

I'm tired of seeing the belongings of my old friends. I throw everything into the bag and push it under the metal bed.

My eyes shoot towards the door as it begins to open. I don't even try to hide. I'm gonna die out here any ways.

I watch the man creep into the room and leave it open. My ticket... Out of here. He comes close to me and strokes my face.

I shiver as his hand lightly crosses my body. I start to get hot in the small room. I watch him as he crosses the room to the bags. I glance at the open door. Come on, come on.... He watches me as he picks up the bag.

"Like your presents?" I let out a short sigh and roll my eyes.

The silence fills my ears and I hold the side of the metal table, ready to jump off.

I'm just waiting for a sign. One sign one sign, one noise, one movement.

"Speechless huh? I 'found' it." I growl at him in my mind. I look at the door again.

My mind spins as I hear a scream. That's the sign. I jump off the table and rush out the door. The hard, cold floor collides with my body as I trip and tumble to the ground. I put my hand to my head and feel the hot liquid drip from my hand.

I push myself off the ground and run towards the room.

I feel a hand wrap around my arm. I stop and the other hand covers my mouth. I try to turn around, but the person drags me into a room.

He pulls out a knife and flips it in his hand. I close my eyes and wait for the blow.

I told you I was gonna die.

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