Chapter 7: The Only Way

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Aria's P.O.V

I wake up a bright light in my face. Very bright. I sheild my eyes and see that's its Cade holding a flash light to my face.

"Get that out of my face!" I say loudly, and hit the flashlight. He puts his finger to his lips and stomps his foot quietly.

I nod my head. Its pitch black, other than Cade's light wandering around the small room. I look towards the window and see other lights, coming towards the cabin. Allyson is staring at the door. Wrapped up in a big blanket.

"Come." She says. I watch the lights get closer. No one moves and Cade turns off his light. I watch Allyson. She looks confident, so I have to learn to trust her.

The lights are right outside the door. Cade squats down to the ground, as they shine the light in the windows.

I watch the door knob jiggle.

My heart starts to pound, my palms start to sweat.

I wince as I hear glass breaking, and shards of it come flying at me. I keep my mouth closed. I look around the room and I don't see Allyson anymore, but Cade is hiding under the couch.

His eyes big with fear. I crawl to the corner of the room, slowly, and find my way to the kitchen. I can't risk using a gun. I need to save ammunition and its a shot in the dark.

I feel my way to the counter top and hoist myself up quietly. My eyes try to search the surface but its to dark for me to see.

I feel the drawer handle to the silverwear and open it. It screeches as I do. I watch the lights come towards the kitchen. I'm afraid. I need Firess to come and tell me where to go. What to do. I need to find her. I need to leave. I want to cry, but I can't.

I crawl into a cabinet that's below the sink. Its cramped. Something is pushing into my side. It hurts like crap.

I go to push it away, but I feel a liquid as I do. No no, I'm bleeding. Not now.

I whimper and grab the sharp tool that stabbed me.

I cover my mouth as I hear loud footsteps of heavy boots come closer to my hiding place. I can soon hear his breath. Small and gentle. In a rhythm.

My eyes close as tears drip down my face and blood drips down my side. I hear his voice.

"I know you're in there." My heart stops. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die and its all Firess's fault.

I stay quiet. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." He snickers, I have a sudden urge to be my sarcastic self.

"Sure you won't." I whisper. My hand drops. My sharp weapon does too. "Move." I say to the voice. I kick open the cabinet door and crawl out. I stand up and cross my arms.

"Kill me. I'd be happy to die." I say with a pleasent smile. I watch his eyes scan me over.

"Why would I kill you?" He asks me. I don't move.

In one quick sudden burst, he moves his hand from his side, to his gun, and points it at my head.

He comes close to my face.

"Its okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." I say to myself in my head.

'Its okay. I have to save Cade and Allyson. It's the only way. I have to make them live in fear.' I feel the barrel of the gun push into my temple.

I hear the shot. Then everything a blur.

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