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I forced myself back into my body, finished showering, and got out as fast as possible. I changed, brushed my teeth and checked the clock. Well, at least I woke up on time this morning. Papá called out that breakfast was ready and I was down in a flash. During breakfast, I told him about what happened. I didn't tell him about the dream. Not yet.

"Papá, what do I do?" I asked.

"Espada, have hope. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding." Papá said.

"Papá, she's trying to kill him. And I saw it. I know them. I could warn them. I could save them."

"No. You will do no such thing. They did this to themselves and if you interfere, you could be killed and I don't want to have you hurt."

"But Papá, Mamá would want-"

"Your Madre would want you to be safe, not helpful if your life it at stake!" Papá shouted.

I jumped back in surprise. Papá almost never shouted. I looked at the clock, relieved that I needed to leave. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"Hasta la vista Papá." I called over my shoulder.

I shut the door before I could hear his response. I ran down the stairs towards the first floor of the apartment building. I ran out the door and down the sidewalk for about 2 blocks before I knew that I was not being chased after by Papá. I knew that he was right, but I wanted to help those boys. They went to my school and had the same English class period as me. Maybe Mr. Bolfis will let me talk to him after class about this. Maybe he knows how to help the boys.

The Curse of the Weeping WomanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang