This, again, isnt an update *sorry*

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Hey guys.....

I feel bad posting this but i dont know when ill post next. Ive got tech week for a major performance next week and 2 exams during the week too. Ive got exams out the wazoo until the end of the school year, until may 24th. And im also moving this summer and who knows howl long that will take. Im also doing to major projects over the summer as well, but I should have more free time than I do right now.

Basically what im saying is that there are gonna be really inconsistent updates and *possibly* a few updates every odd number of days.

Sorry about the schedule not allowing for me to breath.

Thank you to all who have read this book. I really hope that you are enjoying it.

Also, a while ago,like three hundred chapters ago, I asked for your opinion on whether or not I should post my demigods/avengers/other supernatural beings crossover boom. Should I?

Yours in crazy scheduleness,

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