Freezing || Javier x OC

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It hasn't been easy the last few weeks. We've lost people, either dead or on their way to it. This snow storm is something fierce. We're lucky the boys stumbled upon these few lodges or that death count would be much higher.

All of us women and a few of the men are cooped up in one lodge like a bunch of hens. As much as I love these folk you can only handle so much. Especially when they start drinking. I already have a thick winter jacket, but Javier insisted I'd take an extra he found.

He's always looking out for me. Arthur told me Javiers on watch and in this storm I have to make sure he's okay. It wouldn't take much to be bed ridden in this cold. Bundling up as best I could I open the door and immediately feel the sharp bone chilling cold.

I quickly make my way over to Javier and I can see him shuffling in place next to the fire trying to keep warm. "Gosh Javier you must be freezing!" He immediately turned his head in my direction, "what are you doing out here? You should get back inside."

Finally standing by the fire I take off my outter most layer and place it on Javiers shoulders. "Belle, you should be wearing this jacket, not me. I'll be fine." I can see Javier start to take it off but I will not have it.

I grab the gun from him and set it against the lodge. "Javier l'll be fine, I'm inside the lodge. You're standing out here in this storm on watch with this tiny fire. You need it the most and don't argue with me."

He just roll his eyes and gives up fighting me because he knows I won't have it. "Besides you always look out for me, I gotta make sure my man is taken care of" wrapping the thick outter layer around him making sure it keeps as much heat in.

"Thank you, I'll be fine. Now please go inside."

With final adjustments I lean up kissing his lips quickly and mummer "stay safe" before heading back inside.

I open the door and quickly step inside and make my way over to the fire beside Marybeth. "Well ain't that just the sweetest thing you did Belle."

"Yeah yeah Marybeth, I just wanted to check on him is all." I can't help but smile at the girl. I could nearly guess what would come out the girls mouth next. "It was so romantic, maybe I can put it in one of my stories someday."

"Have some of this Belle, it should help warm you up." I didn't even look at the label of the bottle and took a swig of hard whiskey. "That's one way to warm up, thanks Karen."

As we all sipped away on the bottles and surrounded the fire time went by and it would soon be dark. I know Javier wouldn't be out in the cold now. No one would be. It was simply too cold for anyone to stay on watch.

Most have gone to bed due to our drinking and the warmth of the fire. I move away and let Jack sleep in my spot. Deciding to look out the window I can see Dutch standing by the boys lodge and what seemed to be he was yelling.

Probably Micah starting more shit with everyone. Honestly how does he have the energy to bother people in our situation. Next thing I know Javier is making his way over here.

I get up and move over to the door and open it for him letting him step in and close it. Javier looks around and sees that everyone is sleeping with a few bottles of Whiskey empty. "Seems like it was quite the party over here" he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I don't know, things seemed they were getting pretty entertaining over there."

"Just Micha get angry over nothing and trying to start a fight." I walk him over to my little corner where my bedroll is and we sit down. "Of course it is."

Javier yawns and takes off his hat that has snow still on it. He shakes it off and then takes off the extra jacket and places it around my shoulders and kisses my cheek.

We lay down for the night with me wrapped around him while he lays with one arm under his head. We use the extra jacket as a blanket.

"Buenas noches mi amor" Javier places a kiss on my lips. It's a sweet slow kiss, one that you never want to end but it always ends to soon. "Goodnight Javi."

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