49 Turn It Off Reprise(BoM)

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[This takes place after Kevin leaves to go be transferred after seeing a man shot in the face. Arnold follows behind him. All the Elders but McKinley and Thomas/Poptarts leave the room.]

Poptarts: Elder McKinley

McKinley: Oh, Chris, you're still here-

Poptarts: Don't think I didn't see that Connor.

McKinley: What are you talking about?

Poptarts: You tried to kiss Elder Price.

McKinley: Pfft- What? No!-

Poptarts: I'm not an idiot Connor! I know what's going on! The way you talk to him. The way you look at him and want to be around him. You always find a way to keep your hands on him. I support your homosexuality more than anyone else but you know we're not aloud to be this way-

Mckinley: Elder Thomas my feelings and my actions do not concern you! As you District Leader I order you to go to our room and sleep. It's almost time to rest for the night.

Poptarts: Connor. You can't keep denying it. You're always gonna be gay. Stop fighting it. So what if the church is against it? Your rather gay or you're not. And I know for a fact that you are. And now you're falling in love with Kevin!? You can't do that Connor!-

McKinley: Please leave, Elder Thomas.

Poptarts:....fine. I'll leave you be.

[Elder Thomas/Poptarts leaves the roo and only Elder McKinley is left in the room. Cue music.]

Elder McKinley: I tried to turn to turn it off..like a light switch. I'd go bap. Turns out there's something pretty hard about that....why can't I turn it off? Just turn! It! Off!.....

Elder McKinley: Life was great, it was heaven. Until I turned eleven. Then everything changed...I met Steve, he was cool. The most loved kid in school. Around him my heart would beat, I could barely walk with my own two feet! I. Had. Fell! Under. His. Spell! But when I told him the truth he was disgusted. He told the principal and I was busted...

Elder McKinley: When my parents found out they sent me away to some strange place. That contained painful memories I can't erase! They'd beat me! They'd push me! They'd never allow me!...to be what I wanted to be.

Elder McKinley[SPOKEN]: Dammit Connor turn it off. You can't be like this. You're whole life you could keep it down. What stopping you now?....

Elder McKinley:....Kevin. Kevin Price. If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right!- NO! I DON'T LOVE HIM! This is wrong. All I did was sing him a song. We're just co-workers, not even friends. So why won't these feelings ever end?

Elder McKinley:...Kevin. Kevin Price. I could get down and dirty with you all night!- WHAT!? NO!...That's gross. Heavenly father would be shaking his head. At all the things I wanna do with Kev in bed. But let's just get those thoughts out! Let's face it, I'm never coming out!

Elder McKinley: Gross. Disappointment. And extremely flamboyant. Those are the things I was always called. But now they don't bother me at all...

Elder McKinley[SPOKEN]: You know what? Fuck it.

Elder McKinley: I'M GAY! AND I'M PROUD! You better not go pushing me around! And soon Kevin Price will be mine! Maybe I'll even mention the word sixty-nine! Why!? Becuase I'M GAY! AND I'M PROUD! What gives you the right to put me down? All my life I've been treated like shit! But now I'm finally gonna shake my hips! I'm gay. I'm proud. When guys look at my they're fully aroused. Because I'm now gonna be me! And I know that I'm super sexy! No once can bring my spirit down!

Elder McKinley: I'm gay and I'm proud. I'm gay and I'm proud! I'M GAY! AND I'M! PROUD!

[McKinley runs off stage and the scene switches to Arnold running towards Kevin, the play continues]


I tried my best, pretty proud of it. But I don't know. I say that post and immediately wanted to do something about it. If ya see any errors or think something else in a certain spot would be better. Just tell me. I'm all for suggestions.

Idk whether to call it Turn It Off Reprise or I'm Gay And I'm Proud.

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