Chapter 4

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I keep looking at him without saying anything. How did this happen? What happened to him? There are so many questions going through my head. Was it Peter? I have never seen him before, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did this to Shawn.

Shawn doesn't say anything either, he keeps staring into my eyes. My eyes scan his entire face, time after time.

"What happened?" I say quietly and stand up.

He is a lot taller than I am, so I can't reach his face very well. My cup of coffee is still on the floor, but I don't pay attention to it, all I care about is him. Shawn does not answer, instead he keeps looking at me, which causes me to become fidgety and panicky.

"Shawn?" I say again. "It was Peter, wasn't it?"

He shakes his head and mumbles something very softly, but I can't understand a word. A waiter comes to my table and picks up the broken cup from the ground and leaves.

"No, it wasn't Peter" he says quietly.

I feel sorry for him, even though I don't like him, no, I hate him, and I don't know why, but, he doesn't deserve this.

Mia, Cole, Jace and Jackson head to our direction. Do they know what happened? Why don't they tell me anything?

"What happened?!" I ask, and look at them with concern, because honestly, I'm very concerned about him.

They all don't answer me and I throw my hands in the air. I don't understand why they ignore me, have I done something wrong?

"I'm leaving" I huff and grab my backpack and jacket.

I want to walk away, but Shawn grabs my wrist and pulls me towards himself. This is strange, first he ignores me, and now I can't leave.

"Come outside with me, please" he whispers in my ear, practically begging.

I look at my 'friends' and see Mia looking at me, she heard Shawn's question, and gives me a short nod that I have to go with him. I don't want to go outside with him, but I do want to know what happened.

"No, I'm not going outside with you" I snap, and he lets go of my wrist.

Now he's going to act nice, but he called me crazy. I don't want to have anything to do with him. I look at him for the last time and sigh. I walk out of the cafe and feel a hand on my shoulder, it makes me to turn around, and I look into Mia her eyes.

"Please, go talk to Shawn outside, he has to tell you something, about last night" she says softly, and looks at me with sympathy.

What happened to me last night? I know he knows more than he said. I need to know what happened to him and me, I have the right to know.

"Fine, just because I want to know what happened to me" I half lie to her. I also want to know what happened to Shawn, but I'll leave that out.

She nods and I walk back into the cafe.

Shawn is still standing in the same place. He looks at me from head to toe, it makes me uncomfortable. Mia walks back into the cafe and stands next to Jackson, I see all four of them looking at me.

"Well, do you still come with me or not?" I cross my arms over each other, waiting for his answer.

He turns around to his friends and tightens his jaw. "Yeah" he says quietly, looking down at the ground.

"Okay" I mumble, and leave the cafe together with Shawn. He walks to his car, a black Jeep, opens the door and takes a seat in the vehicle. What is he doing? I only want to talk, not drive away with him.

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