Chapter 5

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Here I am, in the cold. I have no idea how to get back to my apartment. I pull out my phone and just when I want to call Mia I see that it's empty.

"You've got to be kidding me" I say to myself.

I run my fingers through my hair. "I fucking hate you!" I scream, hopefully he hears it, but I don't think so.

Two days, two fucking days, and more drama already happened than in my whole life.

"I never want to see you again! You deserve that black eye" I shout. I have the feeling that he is still behind the door.

I sigh deeply and just when I want to walk away I see Luke at the parkinglot.

"Luke!" I yell and he looks up.

"Rose?" he asks surprisingly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

He heads to my direction as fast as he can. "What are you doing here?" he asks.

I shake my head. "I was first."

"Had to drop something off before I headed somewhere. You?"

"Well, that is a long story, but do you know how I get back to my apartment? It's getting late and my phone died."

"Of course! I wanted to pick up Rebecca, but that can wait" he tells me.

Rebecca? The girl who is dating Peter? No, that can't be, there have to be more girls with that name.

"Rebecca? Who's Rebecca? I ask him, pretending I don't know her, well, technically I don't, I only know her name because Shawn fucked her.

He smiles. "Rebecca is a friend of mine, she lives in the same building as you" he says while we walk to his car.

He opens the door for me and smiles. "Thank you" I say.

He starts his car and drives away to my apartment. "Luke, a strange question, but does this Rebecca have a boyfriend?" I ask.

"Yes, Peter, they have been together for four years now, but Rebecca always cheats on him. He is in love with her, so he doesn't see Rebecca's mistakes."

"Poor Peter" I say quietly and look through the window.

"Yea, well, he knows what Rebecca does, so he chooses for himself."

"Did Rebecca cheat on him recently?" I ask carefully, not sure if he will answer this question.

"You're full of questions today" he laughs. "But yes, with Shawn, but he is the biggest manwhore from the entire University, and Rebecca is an easy target, at least, that are Shawn's words, not mine."

"Is Shawn really that terrible like everyone tells me?" I ask while he is turning to the right.

"You really have to watch out for him, Rose. Shawn isn't a good person, he parties and drinks every night, fucks every girl he sees. Stay away from him" he says as we arrive at my apartment.

I look at him. "I had no intention of getting close to him. But it was strange, he took me to a hill today, twenty minutes from here, for no reason."

"Wait, Shawn brought you somewhere? That's new, he's never really been close with anyone since-" his phone rings. "Sorry, I have to answer" he tells me and picks up his phone.

"Yes, I'll come straight away" I hear him saying. "Yes." "No, that's fine." "Okay, see you in a minute" he says and hangs up the phone.

"Sorry, Rose, I have to go, I really like talking to you, but Rebecca just called me and something is going on. Will you be fine?" he asks.

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