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The next morning, I called my sister. I couldn't stop thinking about Mark and the butterflies I got in my stomach when he looked at me, or how beautiful he looked all the time. My sister is three years older than me and therefore has always been the best at giving boy advice.

"Hey, Jax! How's it goin?" she sang into the phone after the third ring.

"Cynthia, I need your help."

"What's up, sissy?"

"There's this boy, and-"

"Say no more. You only tell me about boys when you think you like them. Does he have you all flustered?"

"I mean, kinda." I twirled my hair on my finger. "You should've seen me when I saw him for the first time, I stopped dead in my tracks and thought my heart was gonna fall out of my ass."

Cynthia chuckled. "Okay, so, what's your plan?"

"I don't know. We've been kinda flirting, but we live together-"

"You LIVE together?! Jaxlyn that makes it ten times easier! You just gotta flirt your way into his room, and he'll catch the drift soon enough."

I sighed. "You're right, I guess."

"Jaxlyn's gotta cruuush, Jaxlyn's gotta cruuuush," she teased.

"Okay, great, thank you Cyn, love you, bye," I quickly said, getting ready to hang up.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry. Keep me updated, alright? And send me pictures! I wanna know if he's hot!"

"Oh my god. Goodbyeee Cynthia."

"Bye lil sis!!" she yelled before I hung up. I shook my head and smiled. She can really be a pain in my ass sometimes, but I don't know what I'd do without her. She helps me realize how I feel about every boy I end up having a crush on, and she tries to help me with as much relationship advice as she can. I trust her judgement, because she's been happily married to her husband for almost four years.

That day was pretty standard; I worked on my story all day, only leaving my room to pee or to get a snack. As night rolled in, I decided I should go and interact with civilization at least a little bit. As much as I love writing, it makes me become a little bit of a hermit sometimes.

I walked into the living room to see Seán and Mark already in there, watching TV. "Hey boys, whatcha watchin?" I asked, plopping myself in between them.

"Some HBO movie," Mark shrugged. "We just wanted to watch something."

I nodded, already bored by the strange looking cowboys on the screen. "How about some video games?"

Seán sighed. "Haven't you known us long enough, Jax?" He got up to change the TV settings and turned on our PlayStation. "Anything in particular tickling your fancy?" He handed me a controller and I scrolled through the games they brought. There was such an intense amount of them, considering the two make money off of playing them.

I finally decided on one of my favorite games to play back when I lived alone. I selected it and the screen lit up a familiar blue color, which made my heart happy.

"How are we all going to play Overwatch together?" Mark questioned, his head cocking to the side.

I shrugged. "We could make it interesting."


"We could make it into a drinking game," I proposed, the cogs in my mind turning. "We take turns playing a round of quick play and every time the person that's playing dies, we take a drink."

"Jax, we'll all be fucked," Seán mentioned.

"Only if you guys are scrubs," I taunted.

"Oh, it's on," Mark challenged, getting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen. He came back a few moments later holding a bottle of Jack Daniels and his cameras. He set up one camera in front of us and one behind us, so the gameplay could be seen. He made sure both of them were recording before sitting back on the couch. The handle of alcohol was tauntingly resting at my feet. "I figured this could be some good content," Mark explained before doing a quick intro. He turned to Seán and he followed suit, nearly breaking my eardrums in the process. They both turned to me, and I shyly greeted the camera.

"Okay, who plays first?" Mark asked.

"I think Jax should, since it was her idea," Seán said, resting back into the couch and folding his arms over his chest.

"Okay, fair. I'll warn you though, I'm a little rusty," I smirked, selecting my hero in the game and waiting for the doors to open so we could attack.

By the time my round was over, each of us had taken 4 shots. "That Reaper was on my ass the whole game! You guys are SO lucky my tiny D.va is good enough to survive for that long." I was starting to feel the alcohol in my head. Four shots in ten minutes is a little bit much for my lightweight ass.

I handed the controller to Mark. He only died twice, so we each had to take two more shots. My head was foggy and my insides were warm by this point. When it was finally Seán's turn, I was definitely feeling a little drunk. Seán was the only one who was handling his shots pretty well as of right now. Mark and I silently agreed to mess with Seán during his turn in an attempt to have him catch up with us.

Seán picked Junkrat, which is an easy character to operate when you're starting to feel a bit on the tipsy side. I shot Mark a sly grin as Seán started his game. Mark reached over me and shoved Seán, causing his character to jerk. I giggled as Seán huffed in frustration.

Mark lazily draped his arms across my shoulders and rested his head on my arm. I held the arm he placed across my chest and squeezed it slightly before ramming my shoulder in Seán. "Bitch!" he shouted, as my action resulted in his hero's death. I giggled, handing him the bottle of Jack.

"Drink up the Jack, Jack!" Mark slurred, scooching closer to me on the couch. He retracted one of his arms so the one that remained was around my shoulders. "You gotta catch up to Jax and I before we just leave!"

I turned my head to look him in the eye, giving him a quizzical look. His chocolate brown eyes were glossy and tired. He wore a crooked smile and his once neatly kept hair was starting to become messy. His eyes scanned my face, first matching mine and then glancing at my lips. "You're pretty," he mumbled.

"Thank you, you're pretty too," I giggled back, feeling my face flush. I noticed his face was slowly getting closer to mine. I moved backward and shoved my body weight into Seán, remembering the cameras. I turned to face Seán and he shot me a look of annoyance. I handed him the bottle of Jack, seeing the kill cam on the screen.

The round ended shortly after that, and Seán's team had actually managed to win. Seán, however, was finally caught up to Mark and I. "Thank you everybody so much for watching, and I will see you, in the next video. Bye-bye!" Mark garbled, waving at the camera. I turned to face him again, admiring his drunken beauty as Seán did an outro as well. I smiled, turning to the camera when Seán was done.

"I have been Jaxlyn, and-and you are watching Disney Channel," I stammered. I tried drawing an outline of Mickey Mouse with the Jack bottle and the camera died immediately after.

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