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My eyes flutter open and are immediately hit with the morning sun rays bursting through the window. I squint, trying to shield my eyes as best as possible. My body is much warmer than it is when I usually wake up, and I look down to see an arm draped around my torso. I widen my eyes, panicking for a second, until I remember last night.

My face burns and I feel my heart pounding. I slightly squeeze his arm before removing it from around me and getting up from the bed. I collect my clothes off the floor and messily throw them back on, just trying to get back to my room. I creep across the house and change into pajamas, getting into my own bed. I stare up at the ceiling.

I cannot believe I actually slept with Mark. Drunk me is pretty smooth, I guess, cause normally I would not be able to seduce a boy I had a crush on. Except, what do I do now? What if he was just drunk and it didn't mean anything to him but a one night stand? I imagine that is most likely what's gonna be the case.

I pick my phone up off my bedside table and open my text messages.

me: hey, cyn. i need some advice about mark..

I patiently await her response, which comes in 3 minutes.

sissy 😘: what's up darlin?

me: we uh,,we had sex last night while we were drunk

I cringe at this message, thinking she's going to explode on me. My phone vibrates against my chest as another message comes through.

sissy 😘: JAX!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!! all you have to do now is ask him on a date or something!

I frown.

me: cyn, we were DRUNK. surely it was just a one night stand, right? he's probably gonna wake up, realize what happened, and never want to speak to me again

sissy 😘: don't be silly, jax. don't text me again until after he's your boyfriend!

I roll my eyes and sigh, putting my hands over my face. I can't believe we had sex! I just cannot believe it. He's so hot, how did I do that? He's definitely not going to want to do anything else ever again. I can't ask him out, that'd be so weird for both of us. Right?

I take a deep breath. Before I start spiraling too much, I decide I should ask Seán what to do. He knows both Mark and I well enough to gauge the situation and give good advice. I text him and ask him if he's awake yet. While I wait for his response, I lay in bed and watch YouTube on my phone. About an hour later, he responds.

I finish the video I was watching (Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams beauty battling on James Charles) before getting up, stretching, and exiting my room.  I realize as I approach Seán's door that the hardwood tile of the living room is cold against my bare feet, waking me up a small bit. I stretch my hand forward, reaching for the knob, but pause when I hear a voice coming from inside.

"....and I don't know what to do," a deep and husky voice says. I determine this is Mark. I hear Seán sigh.

"Well, if you really like her as much as you're telling me you do, I think you should make a move," Seán tells him. My heart sinks. Mark was asking about some other girl. I feel my eyes start to get warm, but I keep listening.

"I didn't wake up next to her, which means she left in the middle of the night. Surely that means it was a one night stand, right?"

Wait, what?

"Dude, I think you should shoot your shot. If it's time, it's time. If it's not, you'll both feel it. Jax is a powerful woman and she knows what she wants, she just doesn't know how to get it sometimes," Seán explains.


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