Part 41

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This dare is by LillianGibson3 and it is for Jack to steal something of Darks and hide it. So let's get right into into it.

Me: So I'm kinda sick right now but you know the dare so move your ass Jack.
J: Okay. *takes Darks phone and hides it* Done. What do we do now?
Me: Umm I dunno there was no specification, maybe wait until he found out and then see what happens. 
Time Skip

Me: He's awake.
J: Clearly.
A: I'll call it for you.
Me: Did you turn the sound off?
J: Didn't think about it.
Me: -_- Wow Jack. Just wow.
J: Shuttup! I didn't want to get caught okay.
Me: Fine.
A: Found it!
D: Thanks babe.
Me: Sighs. You guys suck today.
J: It's you who sucks. I think they'd prefer it being a little late and it being good rather than on time and it wasn't worth it.
Me: Well I think I've made them wait long enough. Just think of it as a filler I guess. I'm trying my brain exploded after getting sick.
J: You still suck.
Me: -_- Shuttup. Well I hope you guys are okay with this chapter I know it sucks ass but I caught a cold or something and I feel like garbo put I didn't want to make you guys wait again so I posted something I'm like soooo sorry. The next one I'll make super duper long. 😖😣😷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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