Dance Break

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authors note: i started this fic like over a year ago, i fixed some of the grammar. idk if i'll be continuing it but i wanted to republish it :)

"Have a good day! Oh wait I almost forgot to mention that McKinley will be having a talent show! You can sing, dance, rap, whip and nae-nae and all that Gucci stuff you kids do" Dr. Metcalf said on the speakers. 'god, he was so cringey!' I was walking to my locker and saw Jonah. "Hey TJ! I think I'm gonna do the talent show, I've been working on an original song and since I know you're pretty good at rapping you could add a little something to it!" Jonah said. I started laughing because I thought he was joking but no, he was serious. "Wait what? Really?!" I asked. "Well Cyrus and I were talking and he said you made a rap off the top of your head for Buffy. It made him go crazy!" Jonah said laughing. "He- he said that?" I asked. "Bro, you're so smitten. I can see you blushing!" Jonah said. "Pft! No I'm not..." I answered back. He stared at me with wide eyes, "whatever you say... anyways do you wanna do it? It'll be a good bonding experience for us since we never get to hang out" Jonah said. "Um... maybe, I'll think about it" I answered back. "Okay, see you in P.E. bro!" Jonah said, walking to his first period class. I thought more about Jonah's offer. I headed into my AIS math class with other kids that had a hard time with math. Math is more difficult for me because I have dyscalculia. It's kind of like dyslexia but it's numbers instead of letters. "Kippen, you're late!" Mr. Coleman said to me as the bell rang. "I'm sorry, I was talking to a friend and didn't check the time" I said to Mr. Coleman. "Well don't let it happen again, okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright so we are going to get a little bit ahead of the regular class and give you a warm up of the slope area unit!" Mr. Coleman said enthusiastically. He kept on showing us videos and had us answer a few questions and I had no idea what was going on. "TJ! Can you give us the answer to number 6?" Coleman asked. I look his way, not really paying attention and answer, "I don't know." He started to explain how the process worked but I was still having a hard time focusing. The class finally ended and I met up with Cyrus to our music class. "Hey underdog!" I said with a smile. "Not-so-scary-basketball-guy! What's up?" Cyrus asked. "The new unit in math makes absolutely no sense!" I said
"I thought you had math 3rd period with Buffy?"
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Coleman put me in his AIS class" I whispered. "Why are you whispering?" Cyrus asked. "I don't want others to hear..." I said quietly.

We got to the classroom and all the desks were gone. We look at the whiteboard and in red marker "dance break" is written. "Oh god. Mr. Shue why are you making me dance?!" Cyrus whined. Mr. Shue chuckled " Cyrus, I thought you were on the dance team?".
"Only to get out of P.E! When I dance I look like those balloon guys outside car dealer ships while getting electrocuted on ice skates!" Cyrus said wordily. I laughed at his dorkiness.  "Well you can't be as bad as one of my past students. God was he bad at dancing" Mr. Shue said laughing while looking up, almost as if he could see the past student.

"Anyways... the reason I'm having you guys do this is to release any stress, give out energy and just to let out your inner feelings!" Mr. Shue said excitedly.

"Sorry we're late! There was traffic in the hallway!" Said this guy with a higher pitched voice and there was a girl standing next to him. "Oh my god! Class, these were two of my best students when I started this class! This is Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel!" Mr. Shue said smiling while giving them a hug. "So what is the shuester making you guys do this time, huh?" Rachel asked.
"He's making us dance. Which I cannot do" Cyrus said. "Oh my god he sounds like Finn" Rachel said. "Oh come on Cyrus, you truly can't be that bad!" Mr. Shue said. "Apparently you did not hear me!" Cyrus snapped back. "I'll put on a song and you can show me how bad you are!" Mr. Shue said sassily to Cyrus.

Cyrus looked worried at the thought of that. "Underdog, what if I join you. Will that help?" I asked. Cyrus nodded his head. Kurt puts "Don't stop believin'" on and Cyrus was right. He cannot dance but I liked watching him. He tries following my lead but he keeps tripping over himself. At one point he trips over foot and I can't help but laughing a little but I hold out my hand to help him up and as I do that I twirl him around.

Maybe Jonah was right, maybe I am smitten for Cyrus.

The song finishes and everyone starts clapping. "Okay you were right Cyrus. You cannot dance very well but TJ helped you!" Mr. Shue said.

"Wait Cyrus... I wanted to tell you something-" I started to say to Cyrus but I was cut off.

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