Cloud 10

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Third person POV

  Even thought it was Autumn, the weather still felt like summer. It was a warm evening when Bowie was out on his own, he wanted to find a little gift for Andi just to show some appreciation. 'Andi already has so many craft supplies' he thought to himself. He soon stumbled upon a makeup store with the name "Cloud 10" and decided to give it a try. There was a women, looked about the same age as Bowie, at the entrance. "Hi, welcome to Cloud 10! If there is anything I, or one of my fellow workers, could help you with, just give a holler and someone will help!" The woman greeted warmly to Bowie. "I'm trying to find something for my 15 year old daughter, could I get any type of help with that?" Bowie asks the woman nicely as he holds out his phone showing her a picture of Andi. "She's pretty, I like the 'edgy' vibe she has. I think we have something that she would like!" The woman says to Bowie walking around the store, "my name is Bex by the way" she mentions. Bowie smiles at Bex, she was pretty. "Bowie" he introduces. As Bex scans through the shelves, she takes an eyeshadow palette off the shelf with a Galaxy design on the case. Bex opens it to show Bowie all the colors. There were blues, purples, blacks, maroon and even different shades of yellow. "This will be perfect" Bowie says to Bex as they start walking to the cash register, "how much?" Bowie asks as Bex scans the palette. "$15.50" she says as Bowie pulls his wallet out of his back pocket. He hands her the money and she puts it into the cash register and places the palette in a bag. "Your daughter will love it! I know this may be kinda weird but... could I get your number?"
Bowie thought to himself about whether or not to give Bex his number. He already had a wife but his answer was something else, "sure!"
Bex typed her number into Bowie's phone as he did the same for her phone too. As Bex handed Bowie his phone back she asks "so... you're a single father?"
Bowie paused for a second at the question not knowing how to answer.
"Uh... yeah" he lied. Bex lightened up at the response, "cool, so... could we meet up again sometime?", Bowie stuttered again at her question but he accepted her offer.
  When Bowie left, it was slightly darker outside and the temperature has dropped just a little bit. As he started walking back home, he caught one of his best friends from high school. "Do my eyes deceive me or is that Will Shuester?!" Bowie asked as he ran up to Will who was with his wife, Emma, and greeted each other. "Bowie Quinn, it has been too long!"
"Same for you too, nice to see you too, Emma" Bowie greeted to Emma who had a rose in her hand. "Yeah! Uh Will, I don't want us to be late" She looked up at Will and he nodded his head, "yeah, Bowie it was nice seeing you again but Emma and I have a date!"
"Okay, have fun you two!"
    When Bowie got home, he was gonna go to Andi's room to give her the gift but when he walked through the door, Miranda was at the entrance with her arms across her chest, "Bowie... we need to talk"
"About what?"

Authors note:
I'm trying to figure out how o want to organize my writing so it looks neater but I hope you enjoy this new chapter! Follow my Instagram @TyrusConfessions

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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