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Cyrus POV
"Hey mom, could I sleepover at TJ's tomorrow after school?" I ask my mom who is folding laundry. "Which one is TJ again?" She asks as she's folding a shirt. "Basketball captain, he brought the challah to bubbe rose's shiva?" I answer. "Okay, um yeah sure!" She says. "Thank you mom! Love you!" I said giving my mom a hug.
I wake up the next morning and get dressed for school. I put on a purple camo shirt with jeans. I go downstairs for breakfast and get going for school. "Bye mom!" I say heading out the door. "Bye sweetie, have a good day". I get to school and see TJ outside. "Cyrus!! What's going on, my man" TJ said pulling me in for a "bro-hug". "You excited for later?!" TJ asked. "Very! It's going to be fun" I said back to TJ as we walked inside West McKinley High. We put our backpacks in our lockers and headed to our first period classes.
The day flies by pretty quickly and before I know it, it's already the end of the school day. I met TJ outside the school doors. "You ready?" TJ asks as I approached him outside. "Yeah, just need to get my bag from home and I will be set. It's right next to the front door so it won't take long" I say to TJ. "Okay, lets go then!" TJ says. We walk to my house since it isn't very far from the school. "I'll be, like, five seconds" I say running to the door so I can get my overnight bag. "Okay. Now I'm officially ready!" I say running back outside with my bag over my shoulder. "It should only take about ten minutes to walk to my house" TJ says as we start walking. "How have we been friends since middle school and I have never been to your house?" I ask surprised. TJ shrugged and smiled. "Amber doesn't have work today so she will probably invite one of her friends over so be aware of squealing" TJ warmed and I laughed. To pass time as we walk, we play some music. The song "Lemon Boy" plays and I get a fluttery feeling in my stomach. "This is my favorite song" TJ says as the song plays. "Really? I would've thought your favorite song was 'sicko mode' or 'mo Bamba'" I say laughing. "Well those songs are pretty dope but this song- I don't know. It makes me feel something" TJ explains. The song slows down a little bit and I hear TJ singing very quietly big just loud enough that I'm able to hear. "Wow Teej, you have a great voice!" I tell TJ and he blushes at the compliment. Why does he have to be so cute ugh. "Oh- um... thanks" TJ said embarrassed but with a smile. We reach TJ's house a few minutes later. It's a decent sized house with a big yard. We walk to the door and TJ unlocks it with his key. The second I walk in there's a ball of fluff licking my face. "Oh hello, nice to meet you!" I say to the dog. "So I see you have met Rex!" TJ said as he closed the door and sat down on his knees to greet the beagle. "Who's a good boy? Is it you Rex? Is it you?!" TJ said to Rex scratching him behind the ears. "He likes that doesn't he" I ask TJ watching him pet the dog. "He loves it!" TJ said to me looking up from the dog. "C'mon, I'll show you my room and you can keep your bag in there for now" TJ said getting up from the floor and we went up the stairs to his room. His room is dark green, posters and pictures all over the walls and a hook on basketball hoop on his closet door. I scan the poster board with all the pictures. I see one of him and I in middle school. "Hey, this picture is from the day you taught me to somersault right?" I ask TJ. "Yeah, that day was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being a supportive friend and helping out with your 'physical issue'" TJ said snickering. I laughed at his extra comment. I look at the pictures some more and see a picture of him when he was younger, looks about ten years old, with a boy with blonde hair. "Who's that?" I ask TJ referring to the blonde boy in the picture. "Oh him? That was my friend Reed in elementary. I've been meaning to get rid of that picture" TJ says to me taking the thumbtack out of the picture throwing it in the trash can. "Why are you throwing it out?" I ask. "In fifth grade, he didn't treat me the best. I said something, he said something and I did something stupid. I don't want to talk about it. It brings up bad memories." TJ explains. I nod and sit down on his bed with him. "What should we do tonight?" I ask TJ. "I haven't had that many sleepovers, the only ones I've had are with Andi and Buffy and this one time with Jonah". There's a knock on the door and a familiar looking girl with long blonde hair opens the door. "Hey TJ I'm inviting Iris to sleepover tonight so please don't-" she cuts herself off when she sees me. "Oh hi! I'm Amber. Wait- you're that boy that's usually with the curly haired girl and cute Asian girl, right? You always order baby taters with milkshakes?" She asks. "That's me!" I answer back laughing a bit. "Hi, I'm Cyrus" I introduce to her. I don't really know Amber but I like her already. "Anyways... I'm inviting Iris over tonight so try not to be too crazy. Especially since mom and dad aren't home tonight" Amber says. TJ nods and says in an annoyed voice "yes we will behave" and I snicker at it even though it wasn't much funny. Iris... there's something familiar about that name. "So you said Amber is lesbian?" I ask TJ. "Yeah, she came out about three or four years ago. My parents weren't the most happy about it but they learned to accept her after a while" TJ explained to me. I laid down on his bed to stretch and I look over and notice that TJ has joined me. I look into his eyes for a little bit getting distracted but snap myself out of it and sit back up. "Hey come back down here, I wanna get a picture for InstaPic!" TJ said getting his phone out of his hoodie pocket and motioning me to lye back down. How am I supposed to spend the night with him in- what I'm guessing- the same bed as TJ when I can barley go five minutes without my feelings getting the best of me? But I do so as TJ asks and lye back down next to him. TJ takes 3 pictures of us doing different faces and I laugh at us.
A few hours pass and it's about seven o'clock when the doorbell rings. We hear some shrieking from Amber's room and hear her running down the stairs. "I guess Iris is here" TJ says laughing hearing Amber's reaction. We hear running back up the stairs with the sounds of very fast talking and hear the name "Billie Eilish" at least four times in one sentence. "Hey, wanna go take Rex for a walk?" TJ suggests. "Yeah, sounds like fun!" I answer back. We head on downstairs and TJ grabs the leash for Rex. "Hey Rex, wanna go for a walk?!" TJ asks in that voice you use to talk to animals and babies as he attaches the leash to Rex's collar. Gosh, he's even cuter with the dog. I get out of my trance when TJ opens the door and gets basically pulled out by Rex which causes him to trip over. "TJ! Are you okay?" I ask TJ concerned. "I'm good, happens all the time!" TJ laughs as I reach out my hand to help him back up. We walk to the park as the sun starts setting. As we reach the park, TJ unhooks the leash on Rex to let him run around. "You're allowed to do that?" I ask. "Only at certain times of the day" TJ answers. "Hey, wanna go to the playground? We can hangout at the swing set!" TJ suggests and I agree. We walk with Rex following us to the swing set. TJ and I are walking so close to each other. I want to grab his hand and hold it. We get to the swing set and Rex lays down in a sunny area of the grass. We start swinging. "This reminds me of when we first met, I never really talked to anyone like that. Or talked to anyone at all" TJ said. I blushed a bit but didn't want him to notice so I looked down. We start swinging higher and higher and the sky is filled with colors of pink, orange and blue. "This has been a lot of fun so far, thanks for inviting me TJ!" I say looking over at TJ and noticing in the golden light that he has freckles. I wanted to tell him I liked him. That I wanted to be his boyfriend but there's no possible way that he likes me back. TJ jumps off the swing and manages to land it perfectly. I slow down to applaud him at his landing and he starts pushing me even I'm going pretty high but I let him keep pushing me. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, I liked him so much. TJ grabbed the chain of the swing to let me get off because it was getting darker out. I got off the swing and TJ reattached the leash to Rex's collar.
We walked back to the house and opened the door to see Amber and her friend Iris in the living room playing "Just Dance". I look at Iris for a bit and make the realization. I dated her in sixth grade. I don't want her to realize it's me. "Hey, where'd you guys go?" Amber asks us when we enter the living room. "We took Rex for a walk and went to the park for a little while. I didn't want to deal with him jumping on us at 3:00 AM to go out" TJ says to Amber. The beagle jumps up onto the couch with TJ and I signaling for me to pet him. Iris turns around and looks at me. Please don't say it, please don't say it! "Hey Cyrus, it's been awhile"
She said it.
"Hey Iris" I greet feeling uncomfortable and desperately wanting to go to TJ's room. "You two know each other?" TJ and Amber ask in unison. "Yeah um... we went out for a little bit in my freshman year and Cy was in sixth if I remember correctly" Iris explains. "You went out?" TJ asks. I nod in embarrassment. "Oh..." TJ says almost like he's disappointed. "Yeah well, we just weren't meant to be I guess. But I'm okay with it because... I'm more into girls anyways" Iris says. Wow, I stan. "Wait, you're le-" I'm about to ask but she cuts me off. "Bi actually" she says. This isn't as bad as I thought. "Wanna join the game?" Amber asks as she gets two more wii remotes out. "I would but I can't dance. Just ask TJ!" I say laughing while looking over at TJ who didn't seem to be in on the conversation. "Let's go to my room, I want to talk to you about something" TJ says getting up and I follow him to his room. He closes the door and sits down at his desk while I sit at the foot of his bed waiting for him to talk. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask. TJ puts on his glasses and looks over to me. "Have you ever felt like you knew someone but realize you don't, that everything you just gets crushed?" TJ asks with a tear going down his face. "Yeah. I understand, I feel it almost everyday." I say as I walk over to TJ to give a rub on the back but he tells me not to get up and I do so. "Do you... want to watch a movie? I know a website where you can watch movies that aren't out yet!" I suggest and TJ gets up from his desk chair and goes to the other end oh his bed as I get my phone out. Next thing I know, TJ whacks me in the head with a pillow and yells "PILLOW FIGHT!"
I put my phone down and grab a pillow. We start hitting each other with the pillows and laugh so much that my cheeks hurt from smiling. The game lasts for about twenty minutes and we jump back onto his bed on our backs. "That was fun!" TJ says laughing turning his head toward mine. "Yeah, it was" I say as I push up his glasses which were falling off his nose. He was so cute with his glasses on. "So what exactly were you talking about?" I ask TJ looking him in the eyes. "I don't really know... I just thought something but I guess I was wrong" TJ says softy. "TJ... you can talk to me. I'm basically a therapist, saying that I was raised by four shrinks, I think I know what you're talking about" I tell him. "I'm just not ready to say it. But can I just ask one question?"
"During lunch yesterday, you almost held my hand. Why?"

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