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Trigger warning: mentions of self harm, panic attacks and fighting

Jonah POV

"Thanks bro" I said to TJ returning his fist bump. "Okay so... when did you find out that you're gay?" I asked TJ. "In elementary school when my friends started getting crushes on girls, I never felt attracted to them. But whenever I was around my friend Reed, I had butterflies and I always stuttered a lot but I didn't know what that meant. In fifth grade I realized that I had a crush on him and one day I tried to kiss him but that majorly backfired. He told everyone and I got bullied a lot for it. At the age of ten, I was cutting because I was so ashamed of it, one day my sister caught me and told my parents. I told my parents I was getting bullied but I refused to tell them why, we decided to move and get a fresh start and here we are" TJ told me. "You- you were cutting?" I asked TJ worriedly, TJ nodded ashamedly. "I'm sorry Teej" I said giving TJ a rub on the back. "Aw no it's fine, I'm much better now. I went to therapy in middle school and I have much more confidence in myself now" TJ said softly with a smile.

"JONAH, I'M HOME!" I heard my mom yell when she came home from work. TJ and I went to the living room where my mom was.
"Who's this?" My mom asked referring to TJ.
"Hi, I'm TJ. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you TJ, you can just call me Santana" My mom said as she greeted TJ. "Is mamma still at work? You guys usually come home at the same time" I asked my mom. "I don't know where she is right now but honestly I don't care at the moment. We aren't in the best place right now. I'm sorry baby, I'm just so tired right now" Mom said as she got up to her room.
  "Wanna go practice some more?" I asked TJ as he was fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie. "I would but I gotta get home, it was fun hanging out!" TJ said and he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door.
A few hours past so I decided to get working on my homework, after about an hour I finished. "Hey, I'm home!" A voice said coming in through the door as I put my work away. "Hi mamma, why are you home so late?" I asked confused. "I'm so sorry, I went to the store but realized I left my purse at work so I had to go all the way back there, go back to the store then come here" she said. "It's- it's okay. Mom is in your guys' room sleeping" I told her before she asked. "What has been going on between you two?" I ask as she sits down on the couch next to me. "I don't really know. It's just been kinda rough for mom and I right now, so please, try to stay on top of your school work and don't worry about us. We are trying to work it out" Mamma says to me. "Anyways, what happened in Mr. Shue's class today? Anything fun?" She asks me changing the subject. "We got to dance. Rachel Berry was there, which was docius magocius!" I told mamma excitedly. "Oh I remember Rachel, she was annoying" mamma said laughing, Mom woke up and came into the living room. "Brittany, you're home late. Why is that?" Mom asks to mamma. "Jonah?" Mamma says to me
"Could you go to your room please while mom and I talk?" Mamma asks me and I make my way to my room. I shut the door to my room and work on my song. "Something New" I sang as I strummed the chords of my guitar. I kept working on the song but then I heard yelling. Lots of it. I stop playing and plug my earbuds into my phone and play music as loud as I can. I can still hear them yelling and fighting but they are getting louder.
My heart is racing
I can barely catch my breath. "Help" I try yelling but I can't get the words out. I need help, NOW! I sit on my head thinking "this will be over soon. I'm going to live." I calm down but then I hear something. Glass shattering. I open my door and run to the kitchen where my moms are. They have their hands over their mouths in shock and I look over to a broken window. "Jonah?! What are you doing? We told you to stay in your room!" Mom said to me. "I- I heard glass shatter so I had to see what happened. I'm sorry" I said almost crying. "Mamma and I got into a fight over something and it got out of hand" Mom said to me trying to calm me down. "I don't think I can stay here tonight, Brittany. Not with Jonah here. I think I'll go crash at Kurt and Blaine's place" Mom said crying. "Why don't you just go to Dani's place huh? You two have been talking a lot!" Mamma yelled.

Mom hugged me tightly, I could feel her shaking. "I'm sorry, Jonah. I'm hoping this is only for tonight. I love you."

I head back to my room, crying from all that has happened. I go over to my notebook, and write down the title.

"Something New" I thought.

(discontinued) Something New - an Andi Mack X Glee fanficWhere stories live. Discover now