Chapter 4: Awakening

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'Three days...' That's what Chris thought as he finally came to after the most excruciating pain in his gut left him paralyzed. Shaking his head he scanned the room. 'Sakuri sat next to him and Devin was...wait, why was he here if he didn't.'

"Ow...ow ow." Devin said as he tried to get up, rubbing his neck once he did. "Sorry man, I remember getting to this room with what I think was Leviathan and then I'm back here."

"Guess we all died then..." Sakuri's voice was filled with agony as she clenched her abdomen. After a moment she came to her senses fully. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine..." Chris' voice cracked as he knew he wasn't okay. He died without the sweet release of death to remove him from the pain. That wasn't death, he didn't die. He suffered. "We need to keep moving."

"Follow me then. I can retrace my steps far enough to the point where I perished." Devin said, managing to stand.

The group followed him: avoiding the flying creature, entering the room Devin unlocked, and dashing past the torso creature straight to where Devin placed the blue gem days prior.

"I'm guessing the door on the right is about as far as you got." Chris' haunting voice rang through Devin's ears.

"Yeah...let's just try to get through there this time." Devin said, slowly entering the long hall again.

As they entered the room it did not take long before Leviathan attempted to snag Devin's head, causing all three of them to dive to the ground and begin to crouch walk towards the exit.

"Chris, look out!" Sakuri shouted as the ground below him began to disturb.

"Nope! Not again!" Chris said, diving forward to avoid the Leviathan's bite.

Without another word the three continued to the door on the opposite end, diving every time the creature tried to strike. Not that it was made easy as its attack became more frequent the further they went until they dived into the next door.

Breathing heavy, the three laid upon the ground. Coming to terms with the small gray room, Sakuri finally spoke. "At least that's over..."

"Yeah...but I feel like it's only going to get worse." Chris huffed as he caught his breath. "Don't worry about the spike thing Sakuri. I'm sure it won't be the first time I die trying to save one of you."

"Let's not do that anymore..." Devin puffed. "I miss my weapons."

"Me too brother." Chris replied, sitting up to see a small vent opening at the end of the room and a door to their right.

"Can I just lay here for a little while longer." Sakuri said, her breath shallow from exhaustion. "My stamina isn't that great, I get winded easily."

Chris looked at Devin, who was now looking through the doorway, with a shrug.

"I see stairs leading down through this door. If we're 'safe' here and she needs a breather then I can wait a little." He responded, letting out a hard cough. "Sorry, my neck still feels funny."

Chris moved next to Sakuri, laying a hand on one of hers. "Get your rest. I promise we'll get out of here somehow. I'm not leaving without you. Any of you."

Her eyes filled with tears, leaving streaks on her cheeks where they cleaned the grime. "Thank you."

Looking at Devin, Chris noticed the streaks of blood below his eyes and staining his chin. Chris motioned that he had something there before speaking. "You've got a little...yeah."

Devin rubbed his eyes and chin, removing most of the dry blood away. "Thanks, I doubt appearance means anything now though."

"Right..." Chris said, glancing between the two. His throat tightened as he choked back tears. 'I did this, he's going to die again because of me. Protect them!'

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