Chapter 7: Bloody Lust

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Finally getting to his feet, Chris, pushed the moon door open and stared down into the dark abyss below. His heart felt heavy, like something was expecting them to arrive. It felt like a trap, but when hasn't Hell been? "Okay, let's move on."

"Chris?" Devin asked, noticing Chris' usually sturdy demeanor fade.

"It's nothing." Chris waved off as he took the first step down. "Let's just try to make this quick and clean."

Sakuri moved behind Chris and gave an audible shudder as she looked down the steps. "It's not nothing is it?"

Chris said nothing as he continued down the stairs to enter a dark purple room, the walls pulsated as if they were alive. "At least a change of scenery is nice."

"As nice as Hell gets anyways." Devin said, stepping off the last step into the room. "You want to explain what you felt?"

"Lust. Pure unadulterated lust." Chris said, glancing as Sakuri stepped into the room. "We're playing a dangerous game if this is anything like Asmodeus' pheromones."

"Asmodeus?" Sakuri questioned. "You've been naming those Devils after Princes of Hell right?"

"Right. Sorry if it's a lot." Chris said, pointing to the door in front of them and then the one to their left. "Demon hunting requires a lot of homework."

"I understand." Sakuri said, feeling her face flush.

"Sakuri? Are you feeling well?" Devin said, noticing the redness in her cheeks and she gazed intently at Chris as he pondered to himself.

"You're feeling it right Sakuri? Its influence?" Chris said, turning to the two. "It's all in your head, just try to fight it off. I...kind of wish I had better advice than that."

"Not like we can suppress it for her." Devin said, attempting to make a portal to the outside once more. "Our magic is nullified here."

Chris headed straight into a pink hallway with two doors to their left and one dead ahead, two Corpus and a new larged headed, yellow creature blocked their way. The yellow creature floated inches off the ground, its body unmoving like a predator waiting to strike. Its head vigorously shaking. Running past the Corpus made the yellow creature rush towards him, stopping right as he cleared the creatures and stood still, its claws retracting into the stubs it had for arms. An ominous shadow creature behind it seemed to observe the group, but was not hostile

"Okay so don't run." Chris said as he checked the closest door to him, locked. The second appeared to be unlocked though as Chris slipped by the creature and into another pink room with a single long ladder leading upwards. A red vial of medicine laid on the ground.

The others entered soon after, a cry from Sakuri was heard as she stumbled into the room, the back of her shirt had been torn in six vertical slashes. "I'm...fine. Those Corpus got kind of close so I...yeah."

Chris picked up the medicine and put it into his pocket before beckoning her over. "Sit."

Surprised at his bluntness she complied as he looked at the wounds on her back, the damage to her shirt and bra was the least of her worries as the lacerations went deep. The blood stained what was left of her shirt and the skin on her back became coated. With no words Chris took the newly acquired medicine and placed it in her hands.

"Hey buddy?" Devin asked, as he noticed Chris' gaze went from rigid to soft.

"I'm okay, the wounds are nasty so I just...shut up and went to work." Chris rubbed his neck as he stood, watching as Sakuri took the medicine. The bleeding was minimized as most of the wounds closed up. "Looks like the medicine is losing effectiveness."

DemonophobiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora