SIX- Claims of the Most Impossible

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this is the part where where this story starts getting Really Confusing and then doesn't stop


and yes, this is a day late. i uhh,, was rp-ing with friends and reading webcomics and completely forgot



"I'm you from another dimension."

She then looked over to address Lukas, as though she hadn't just said something completely world-shattering.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to have so quickly found the Lukas of this dimension." Julia remarked. "For the record, you're even more handsome than my Lukas, and he's quite the stud. Not that I take much notice of guys." she added, somewhat dismissively.

My mind was still spinning around her first claim. "I'm sorry, what? You're me? From WHAT dimension?"

She shifted her position, making a face. "As far as I know, they don't have real titles, which is kinda dumb since, obviously we need to tell which one's which. For now let's just call it...Julia's dimension. Yes."

"Hold on." Lukas interjected. "Do you mean world? Are you from somewhere else in the Portal Network?"

Julia shook her head. "Nope. Dimension. Trust me, I've already dealt with that distinction once."

"I've never heard of any other dimensions, other than the Nether or the End." I said carefully. She nodded appraisingly in my direction. "Yeah, there's those, but they're a different kind of 'dimension'. The kind I mean is...a little more complicated."

"How complicated?" Lukas asked. "And why didn't you tell me this when I first found you?"

She scrunched up her nose like she'd smelled something strange. "How was I supposed to tell you? This kinda thing is supposed to have a big dramatic reveal, not just a 'hey by the way I'm from another dimension, haha nice to meet you'. Plus, I didn't have a lotta time."

"Well, you have all the time in the world now. Explain, please." I told her pointedly.

"Actually, we don't have 'all the time in the world'. But, sure." She replied with a shrug. "Quick warning, though. You're about to get a pretty huge infodump, and all this stuff is pretty confusing."

Julia inhaled deeply, briefly closing her eyes like she was sorting out her thoughts.

"There is not just one world like this. There's several. And when I say, a world like this, I don't mean it's just similar. I mean they're exactly the same. There're duplicates of this world- but not in the Portal Network. Out...elsewhere. So they're like the Nether and End in the way that they don't physically exist for you until you travel to them. But they're there, and travel between them is possible if you know what you're doing."

"How 'exactly' are they?" Lukas asked. He sounded highly skeptical and a little confused. "The exact same geography?"

Julia pointed at him. "Yes, but that's not all. The same towns. The same people. The same events, at least for the most part." She then waved her hands dramatically. "The same things have happened in all of these alternate dimensions! You're the Wither Slayer, right? The hero who defeated the Wither Storm, and revealed the original Order's lies? Well, so am I! In my dimension, I'm the one who liberated Sky City, and survived the White Pumpkin mansion! I was the undo-er of the Old Builder's Games, and the defeater of the Admin! I'm you."

I held up a hand to stop her. "Wait, wait. Hold on. I can get behind multiple dimensions. Honestly, that doesn't sound too far beyond all the other stuff I've dealt with. What I want evidence of is that you're actually, y' If you've really been through the same experiences as I have, you should be able to prove it."

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