Leila Starts Preschool!!!

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It has been about 6 months since we went to the doctor for the bumps. we have our routine of daycare, then coming home and playing until supper time then we get baths for the night and go to bed. This night was a little different though.... we had just finished supper and Leila was playing in her toy room when I heard her whine then I heard a crashing sound. I ran to the room to see nothing wrong but Leila laying on the floor. I went and sat by her and she climbed on my lap with tears in her eyes. "mama I fell" she told me between gasps from crying. within minutes she was back up and playing with her toys as nothing had happened.

Several days later it was a very exciting day in the house. Leila gets to start her first day of preschool. She was super happy but yet you could see her fearing being away from me for more than a few minutes. A few weeks earlier we had gone shopping for gym shoes and a backpack and folder. The backpack she picked is blue and sparkly with mermaids and the folder was (something from her favorite show (made up)). The shoes she picked out were very much little girl shoes they were glittery and the same blue color as her backpack. Her outfit she wore the first day was her little tan ugg boots, leggings, and a shirt with a rose on the front. she couldnt stop talking about school when she got home. I heard about everything she did from playing outside to the book they read as a class. 

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