Caught on the Road

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     Beeping would indicate to Gyro that he'd made a correct turn as he drove to Fenton's house. Beeping would also be a reminder to a certain sleepy rooster that he was driving with a passenger in tow.
If I don't do something to stay awake, I'll crash into something.
     Turning a light on seemed to wake the inventor to some degree, but he would still find himself dozing off every now and then. He was lucky there were not cars on the road since it was way past midnight. (No same person would be awake at this time, but who said Gyro had any sanity left?!?!) He was also lucky a certain young hero was asleep, since Fenton would've been scolding him for driving while tired. Gyro wouldn't have listened to Fenton anyway. He was a very stubborn soul.
     Gyro was about halfway to his passenger's house when he heard the wailing of a siren. He inwardly cursed himself for his stupidity. What the hell am I doing wrong? The inventor turned off his light and wished he was dead.
     Back in the police car, the mother of Gizmoduck was following Gyro. She couldn't believe how many drunk drivers she had to stop today, and was groaning at the fact that she had to stop another. This is such a medial job to give a high-ranking police officer, she thought.

     Gloria Cabrera, or more publicly known as Officer Cabrera, was a very high-ranking police official. She was a very strong woman that put up with a lot of things to ensure that there would be food on the table for Fenton and herself each and every day. Gloria was very successful and had participated in many eventful police cases, but she was put on road patrol in order to let some of the new recruits participate in bigger cases. At least the driver is pulling over, she sighed in her mind.
     Officer Cabrera was tired and half annoyed, and wasn't in the mood to deal with another driver. But she knew she had to, so she was ready to give the same speech she'd given to the other drivers for earlier in the night. But she had no idea her son was sleeping in the car in front of her.
     The woman walked up to the car in front of her and tapped on the glass. Notepad in hand, Gloria was ready to write a ticket for another drunk driver, so the surprise she got at recognizing the person behind the wheel was a great one indeed. "Dr. Gearloose? What are you doing driving around at this hour of the night?"
     The rooster jumped at the sight of a beautiful woman standing outside his car, only to realize that the woman he'd found (only slightly, according to him) attractive was also Fenton's mother. "O-Officer Cabrera! Hello! Have I done something wrong?"
"Yes you have, or else I wouldn't have stopped you." She sighed. "You've been swerving a lot. Have you been drinking?"
     Sweat began to bead at Gyro's forehead. I had no clue I was swerving... If she found out her son was in his car, she would certainly kill him. So he decided to give the officer his true answer. "I've been working all day, and I'm very tired."
"You should've slept at your job, estupido!"
"Sorry, but I need to get home!" He yelled back.
     A whine sounded from the back of the inventor's car. The sleeping duck in the back of Gyro's car rolled over and continued to sleep.
     Gloria could recognize that voice from anywhere. She grabbed the now-scared rooster by the collar. "FENTON IS IN THERE?!" She proceeded to shake the inventor by his collar. "You nearly killed yourself driving, but you also could've killed Fenton too!"
     Gyro tried to defend himself, but the words never came. He ended up whimpering, trapped in Gloria's iron grip.
"Mamá? What are you doing to Dr. Gearloose?" Fenton had now fully woken up and was now watching the scene before him in fear. He had never seen his mother this angry. And he'd certainly never seen his boss this afraid before. His M'ma opened the back door and pulled the young duck into a hug.
"Pollito," she breathed. She caressed Fenton like he was the most precious thing to her. (Oh wait, he is.) Fenton never refused a hug from his mother, so he hugged her back.
     Now that the young hero was awake, he realized he had no idea where he was. He decided to ask his mother, "M'ma, where are we? Also, why are you yelling at Dr. Gearloose?"
     Gloria hugged her son tightly one more time before answering. "We are on the back road behind Panchito's Locos Tacos. And as for that rooster," she pointed an accusing finger in Gyro's direction. "He is in trouble for driving while tired. He was swerving on the road. And then I found out you were sleeping in the back seat!"
     The small family of two realized that the usually sharp-tongued doctor was silently sitting in the driver's seat with a shocked expression on his face. It was the first time either of them had seen the rooster without his trademark expression. This instantly worried Fenton. "Dr. Gearloose, are you ok?"
"I-she-ohhh." Gyro whimpered, clearly distressed at what had happened only a few minutes prior.
"I think you broke him, M'ma." The young duck was left concerned about his boss, since he'd never seen him like this.
     An awkward silence ensued. Gyro was afraid at what Officer Cabrera would do next, Fenton was concerned about Gyro, and Gloria was figuring out how to get the two boys home. Finally, a solution came to the woman's head. "Let me call some friends back at the station to pick up my car. Afterwords I'll drive you two home."
"Sounds fair M'ma. Dr. Gearloose?"
     For the first time, the rooster turned his gaze to the Cabrera family. I'm being so stupid. Swallowing his fear, he spoke to the mother and son. "What about my car? If you're dropping me off at my house, that means you're taking my car."
     Officer Cabrera sighed and grabbed her radio off her hip. "You're staying at our house-"
     Fenton's mother turned her fiery gaze to the scientist. "No buts. Now let me radio the station."
     After the radio call, half and hour passed before the police car pulled up. Dr. Gearloose spent most of that time contemplating his life, while Fenton ended up falling asleep on his mother's shoulder. Gloria spent most of the time brushing her fingers through her son's hair. After awhile, Gloria decided to break the silence. "Sooo... do you always leave your underwater cave this late?"
     Gyro made a face when the officer spoke about his lab, but he let it pass. "Usually yes. I worry I won't get my work done if I don't stay late. My intention is to stay about an hour or two later, but time passes by quickly, and I usually end up leaving at this time."
     The officer layed Fenton down in the back seat and came to the driver's seat. She looked Gyro in the eye and placed her hand on his. "You poor thing. Pobrecito. I say you should definitely get more rest."
     The inventor felt his cheeks flush at the woman's action. He already thought this woman was attractive, and her hand on his certainly wasn't helping. "Y-yeah. I guess so..."
     Just then, a police car came to save Gyro. The new car parked in front of Gyro's car, and an average looking duck stepped out of the car. The duck that approached the rooster's car had an appearance that Gyro wouldn't ever look at twice, though the scientist could tell that he was Hispanic.
     The man knocked on the window and Gloria rolled it down. "Hola, Gloria. You're taking this gringo home?"
"Yes Diego. I'm taking Gyro home, thank you very much." She firmly stated, patting Gyro's hand. The tiny action once again caused Gyro to blush a little harder this time.
     Diego shrugged and took the police car away with the other car.
"Thanks for defending me..." the rooster whispered while scratching the back of his head, trying to hide his cheeks that were now dusted red.
"You're welcome," Gloria whispered back. Now Gyro's blush was getting to her, tinting her cheeks red as well. I'm so stupid, acting like a little schoolgirl with her first crush. (Gloria decided that Gyro would be her first crush since Fenton's father. She just wasn't going to let him know.) The color of her cheeks wasn't as visible on her as the color was on the scientist sitting beside her.
     The aura of awkwardness that the air carried was so strong, it could almost smack Gloria in the face. She decided not to break the silence, so instead she drove off to her house with her new crush in tow.

You can like my stories or ignore trash. My interests are very different. I'm also planning something for Hazbin Hotel. (What a wild spectrum of interests.)

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