Week With Newton

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     The week that Gyro seemed to be caring for Newton seemed to go on forever. At least the boy appreciated the inventor's science and inventions, unlike his father. But today was a Saturday, and Newton wanted to go somewhere Gyro didn't care to remember the name of. 

     Right now, Gyro was trying to work on Operation Gyro-Bot Apocalypse. But how could one get anything done with a 10 year old pestering you at every turn? Certainly not Gyro. Newton had already crossed his uncle's limit, but said rooster was withholding from snapping foul language at his only nephew. Finally, Gyro rubbed his eyes and turned to Newton. "What is it Newton?"
The brown-haired boy looked at his uncle with the best puppy-dog eyes he could muster. "I wanna go to Funso's Funzone. I wanna go play."

     The name of the place his nephew chose to go to sent shivers down Gyro's spine. And the shivers increase when the two arrived at the location. Newton was delighted. Gyro was utterly disgusted. After sitting for a few minutes, a young duck in a red hat ran up to the disturbed inventor. 

     "Hi Dr. Gearloose!"

     Gyro rolled his eyes. "Some kid..."

     The boy ignored Gyro's comment. All of a sudden, more children seemed to surround the tall rooster. Looking around him, he recognized Scrooge McDuck's nephews and his other wayward children. Seriously, this family is very confusing. One of the children surrounding him happened to be his own nephew. A second later, all the children ran off to play. 

     In that moment, a kid nearby puked on the floor. Realizing he was standing on that same floor, Gyro sat in his chair with his legs lifted above the ground. Gyro's hatred for this placed soared astronomically.

     "Mommy, who's that?" A little kid asked their mom. The mother responded back in a really loud whisper which the rooster could hear. "That's a sad man little Johnny. Very sad." (Generic little Johnny cliche)

     Gyro snapped back before his mind could stop him. "Fuck you assholes!" His middle finger shot up as he yelled.

     "Oh! You are very rude sir! Come little Johnny."

     Just when he thought this place couldn't get any worse, the woman and child completely ruined the scientist's day. Gyro was in a worse mood than he usually was for the rest of the day.


     Today was Fenton's day off. His M'ma also happened to have the day off, so the two planned to get some cleaning done, then go to the movies. It was a Monday, so they figured no one would be at the movies. 

     Fenton was dusting his mother's ceramic figures while listening to Spotify. After receiving a second death threat if he dropped any figures, Fenton finally finished the daunting task. The two had some Cuban sandwiches for lunch and left. (If you haven't had a Cuban sandwich, go try one and then come back to this story. They are awesome!)

     Fenton chose to watch a comedy movie despite protests from his mother to watch a horror movie. He was a scaredy-cat, so Fenton chose not to. With popcorn in hand, the two ducks walked away from the concession stand when a small boy bolted from around the corner and into Fenton's arms.

     "Hey Fenton!"

     A smile crossed the young hero's face when he realized who it was. "Hi Newton! Howzit going?"

     Newton pushed his glasses up his beak before speaking. "We're watching a comedy movie."


     Just then, a tall rooster dressed in a leather jacket and boots came running around the corner calling for Newton. The rooster seemed strangely familiar to Fenton. His mother seemed to recognize the familiar stranger as well.

     "Yeah. Me and Uncle Gyro." Newton responded to Fenton's question. He pointed at the rooster in leather clothing, who was panting and whining about Newton running off. Once Gyro stood straight again, he recognized his co-worker and his mother, who both gave his wide-eyed stares while scanning the clothing he wore.

     Fenton shot Gyro a pointed look. "Why are you dressed like that?"

     "I thought no one would recognize me. Turns out I was wrong," the doctor confessed.

     "Yeah, he thought his disguise was awesome." Newton chipped in. Gyro frowned. "Ignore him. So, you guys wanna watch a comedy movie with us?" 

     Gyro wore a horrified look on his face, Fenton with a slightly disturbed, while Gloria had a questioning look on hers. The silent woman finally spoke. "I'm not turning down his invitation, Fenton. Let's go."

     The four silently walked to the theater. Fenton and Newton sat in front of their respective guardians. Fenton and Newton were laughing so hard their stomachs began to hurt. Gyro on the other hand, seemed to be sulking and staring at the seat in front of him. The female officer beside him gave him a odd look and tapped him on the shoulder. "Are you ok?"

     Shocked that someone seemed to care about his well-being, the inventor stayed silent for a moment. Then he blurted out words. "I'm fine. Fine fine fine. So very fine!"

     Gloria crossed her arms as the doctor continued. "Doing just fine. Just, you know, I hate the public and people. They're so stupid." He dropped his voice on the last part.

     "I know what you mean." She responded. "I deal with lots of weirdos on the police force. And most of them are jerks. You can be one sometimes too."

     "Well, takes one to know one."

     "That was rude." Fenton's mother said as she laughed at her companion's comment. The two began conversing, completely forgetting about the movie they came to see. Gloria asked Gyro about his clothing. "Why are you dressed like that?"

     "Like I said earlier, I thought no one would recognize me." The rooster answered. "So I wore this ancient thing I found in my closet."

     The woman sitting beside him gave him a small smile. "You should wear that 'ancient thing' more often. It suits you." A blush immediately blossomed across Gyro's face. 

     He began stuttering on his words. "You-you really think so?"

     She nodded her head. The two continued to converse throughout the rest of the movie. Fenton noticed this and began sneaking looks at the pair behind him. He didn't like what was happening. Newton seemed to notice his discomfort and tugged at his friend's sleeve. Fenton turned to Newton with a concerned look in his eyes. "I know my uncle is kinda weird, but he's a nice guy. Also I think he likes your mom." The boy mumbled as he sipped his soda. "I dunno. I'm just a kid. My dad told me Uncle Gyro used to faint when talking to girls. Then again, I'm only 10, so what do I know." 

     Fenton pondered over Newton's words for the rest of the movie. Of course, he kept an eye on his boss to make sure he didn't to anything weird with his mom. In all honesty, Fenton wasn't too happy with what was happening between his mom and his boss.

The Officer and the Scientist *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora