Lunchtime Tunes

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     Fenton was late for work. Again. He barely had time to brush his teeth and grab an apple before heading out for the day. Not only was he rushing, but he had to keep quiet, since his mother had been working night shifts for the past few weeks, and she didn't like to be disturbed. The young duck knew if he made even the slightest of noises, la chancla would've hit him over the head before he could sneeze. So Fenton opted to keep quiet. Luckily for him, he was able to catch the bus to work today.

     Right as he got off the bus to the Money Bin, Fenton realized he was missing something. It took a moment for it to hit him. His lunch. He left the bag on the table. M'ma had made it for him the night before, and he left it on the table. 

     Still not wanting to disturb his mom, he sent her a text asking her to bring his lunch in later. He hoped she would do so. Gyro certainly wouldn't let his intern have some of his lunch.


     M'ma had finally woken up from her long deserved slumber. Just as most people do, the first thing she did was check her phone for messages, calls, and emails. Her heart rate picked up a little when she saw Fenton's contact, but then she rolled her eyes when she read the message. Lucky for her son, Gloria had some time to kill, so she decided to take Fenton's lunch to him.


     The drive to the Money Bin wasn't long. Officer Cabrera sent her son a message in advance, but he didn't respond. He must be off doing hero work. Instead, Gloria tried to remember how to get to the lab. She finally remembered and took the elevator down.

     Even before the elevator arrived at the bottom level, the woman could hear a steady beat coming from the lab. It was as if music was being played through large speakers. And it seemed as if the music had the base turned up to the max on the speakers, because Gloria could feel the beat of the song from the elevator. 

     When the elevator doors opened, Officer Cabrera could finally identify the song being played: Strangers In the Night by Frank Sinatra. (Look it up if you don't know) The song immediately put a smile on her face. As she walked into the lab, Gloria passed by a large speaker from which the song was coming from. When she arrived at the main part of the lab, the woman saw something she would've never thought would happen: Gyro dancing.

     Well, it wasn't exactly dancing, more like moving with rhythm. The inventor would grab a tool on a table, and bop his head as we walked to his desk. He would drum the desk with his fingers. Then, the doctor began singing. "Strangers in the night, two lonely people. Wondering in the night, what were the chances."

     He continued singing, but with part of a sandwich in his mouth. Eventually, it became hard to sing and chew at the same time. Gyro almost began choking. So he chose to stop singing for a moment to eat his sandwich. 

     "Smart move,"

     Gyro froze at the voice, his eyes wide. Eventually, he relaxed his body and allowed himself to turn around. He nearly bumped into Fenton's mom. It seems she had snuck up on him while he was jamming out. The inventor was embarrassed that she had seen him bouncing around like a kid. 

     He questioned her. "What was a smart move?"

     She smirked at him. "Chewing your food instead of singing. I wouldn't want you to die or anything. I quite like you."

     The rooster opened his mouth to speak but was cut off. "Anyways, even if you had choked, I know how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, so I would've saved you." Gyro didn't know what to say. He bit the tip of his tongue.

     A moment of silence ensued before Gyro came up with a witty remark. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off again, this time by a phone ringing. Officer Cabrera placed a finger on his lips to shut him up. I never get to talk, the rooster thought to himself.

     Finally, the phone call ended. Gyro had forgotten what he was going to say. Another awkward silence ensued until the song looped. The woman began humming the tune. Gyro thought of something crazy, and decided to go with it.

     "Strangers in the night, two lonely people, we were strangers in the night, up to the moment when we said our first hello,"

     Gloria realized what the doctor was doing and followed along. "Little did we know, love was just a glance away-"

     "-A warm embracing dance away."

     By now, both Gloria and Gyro had their hands intertwined. Gloria then pulled Gyro close to her and began to sway with the music. Said rooster began to panic a little, as he couldn't dance at all, but decided to do what he could. But this little panic attack was nothing compared to what came next. The woman laid her head on his chest. Gyro was sure she could hear his insanely loud pulse by now. What he did next surprised even himself. Gyro slowly moved his arms from holding hers to wrapped around her body. The two continued to sway together for sometime, both enjoying each other's company and how close they were to each other.


     Some time had passed, and both the duck and the rooster had been focusing on nothing but themselves. So when Manny tapped his boss on the shoulder, he nearly lost his head.

     "Manny! What are you doing sneaking around?" Gyro growled with a stern face. Manny tapped his hoof on the ground. 'Who's this?'

     The innocent question sent the inventor into a blundering mess. "No-nobody, no one at all! She's no one. Why are you so nosy?" He snapped at the end. Manny shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

     Gyro turned back to Fenton's mother, who had a shocked look on her face. She pointed a finger at where Manny had gone. "What was that?"

     Gyro gave her a nervous smile. "He's just my intern. My, other intern." He saw the look Gloria gave him and spoke again. "It's a long story for another time."

     Right as he finished speaking, the elevator door opened and Fenton came out, dragging a large duffel bag. The young hero's eyes widened slightly when he saw his mother standing near his boss, but thought nothing of it. Dragging the bag, Fenton walked up to his mom and gave her a hug, thanking her for bringing his lunch, and proceeded to eat his lunch, nearly inhaling the food.

     "Well, I must be off." Officer Cabrera spoke. She gave her son a kiss on the forehead, then walked up to the scientist and grabbed his hand. She squeezed it lightly, sparking warm, fuzzy feelings in Gyro. Then, she pecked the rooster on the beak and winked at him. The woman walked to the elevator and disappeared. 

     Gyro stared in the direction of the elevator with a small smile on his face before feeling someone's eyes tearing him apart, cell by cell. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fenton with his mouth wide open.

     The scientist frowned. "What are you staring at? Get back to work Intern!" Fenton frowned at his boss's sudden mood change but said nothing and got back to work. 

     After telling Fenton off, Gyro grabbed his phone and sat at his desk. He opened up his text messages and debated sending a message to Fenton's mother. In the end, he ended up sending a message. She responded nearly immediately, and the two kept sending messages back and forth for a good long time.

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