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     Today was a regular sunny day. It was a day that enticed people to walk the city streets. Even Gyro was out walking. Well, he wasn't walking on his own accord. He was walking to the grocery store nearby. Mittens had run out of food.

     Gyro really loved that cat. But anyone who came to his house wouldn't know that. Ha acted as if he didn't like the cat, but Mittens is one of the only living creatures able to get to the inventor's closed-off heart. The rooster then thought about the only other living beings that were able to get close; those creatures being his mother and Fenton's mother. Gyro shook his head at the thought. I don't like her. He repeated this chant until he rounded the next corner, where the back of his head was met with the butt of a gun. The tall rooster crumpled to the floor, unconscious.


     Three Beagle Boys had been sent on a mission. Their job was simple: to take out the truck again, except their weapons had been upgraded from their fists to guns. This ensured that they'd get their stolen dough without a problem.

     Carl was tied up once again. Bouncer was about to toss him on the side of the street to take the truck when Bigtime pointed at someone walking by. 

     "Look Bouncer, it's the nerd that works for McDuck." Bigtime smirked. "You know, the one that makes all the stuff that stops us from robbing the Money Bin."

     "Oh yeah..."

     "Let's get 'em."

     Bouncer began to nervously rub his hands together. "This same thing happened when we tried to get Scrooge's brats. We'll get in trouble with Ma again."

     Sighing, Bigtime continued. "Well, let's take him so that Ma can decide what to do with him." Burger had watched this all go down, but still didn't feel good about this, but he went along with his brother to capture the tall skinny one working with McDuck.


     Officer Cabrera was having a boring day. She was placed on parking duty for the day. This was something she hated. Eventually all officers are placed on parking duty, but she still hated it. Gloria pulled a taco out of a lunch bag she made herself while scrolling through Quackchat. Then, something red caught her eye. No, more like three red someones. The Beagle Boys. The three criminals dragged a large bag behind them. It looked big enough to hold a body. She got out of the car and approached them.

     "And what do you three think you're doing?"

     The Beagle Boys stopped dead in their tracks. Drat. The police found them. Bigtime stepped up to the officer. "You see officer, it's our Ma's birthday, and we wanted to get her a gift. So we got her a giant bouquet of flowers." 

     Officer Cabrera raised her eyebrow at their comment. She knew fully well that Ma Beagle wasn't they type to want or like pretty things such as flowers. But for now, the three seemed harmless enough. "Well then. Behave yourselves." She informed them. "I'm keeping an eye on you."

     As she walked off, she heard the group celebrating, thinking they got off the hook. In reality, she was going to follow them. She had a feeling they were doing something devious. Bigtime Beagle was a horrible liar anyways.


     Once the Beagle Boys arrived at the junkyard, they ran straight to Ma's trailer. They knocked on the door and Ma opened it right up. Officer Cabrera was watching the whole scene unfold from behind a crushed car nearby. 

     Ma was dressed in her sleeping clothes. When she saw her boys outside, she frowned and crossed her arms. "Did you take the truck down?"

     It was Bigtime who stepped forward and responded. "Well, we took the truck down, but then there was another opportunity."

The Officer and the Scientist *Discontinued*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang