At the Cabrera's House

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     The ride to the Cabrera's house was silent. Neither of them wanting to talk about what had happened earlier. To avoid talking to Fenton's mother, Gyro began to take notice of things he'd never noticed before, such at the smooth left and right movements of the car, the pattering of the now-steady rain on the roof of the car, and the way the scenery passes by when a car is driving. Eventually, the doctor leaned against the window and dozed off.

     For Gloria, everything was normal. She was driving as carefully as she could with the rain pouring down on her. Soon, she heard a light snoring coming from her right side. At the stoplight, the woman looked over to see the great inventor snoozing against the window. The normally-temperamental rooster was now sleeping and seemed way more relaxed than he'd ever let anyone see in public. The mother rolled her eyes at the inventor and continued driving home.

     Gyro jolted awake as soon as the car stopped. The little bit of drool left on his cheek was wiped off. He looked back to his "companions" to see Fenton's mother guiding her son to the house. 

     Fenton wasn't watching where he was going and stumbled over everything that got under his feet. It seemed like forever before the young duck got to his home. Fenton hadn't even noticed the extra person in his living space; instead, he simply walked to his room and shut the door. This left Fenton's boss and mother together alone in the living room. 

     Officer Cabrera wordlessly gave the rooster a large blanket and pointed to her couch. The couch barley seemed big enough to hold the tall rooster, but Gyro didn't seem to care. Before he got to the couch, he felt a tap on his shoulder. M'ma eyes didn't meet the inventor's as she spoke. "Thanks for trying to bring Fenton home. Sorry about grabbing you earlier."

     "It- it's fine." Gyro said awkwardly and stiffly. Turning to the couch, Gyro hopped on and was asleep as soon as his head was down. The woman stared for a moment before grabbing her phone to call her friend for a ride back to the station.


     Gyro turned on his bed and looked at the ceiling. His eyes were greeted by a tan ceiling. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed him phone to check the time. Wait... tan ceiling? Gyro was suddenly hit with all the events that happened last night and the fact that he had slept over at someone's house. 

     The rooster let out a yell and fell off the bed he was on; the bed turned out to be a couch. Feeling around for his phone, Gyro found the flat device sitting on a table beside the couch, as well as his car keys and glasses. Next to his things, he also found what looked like breakfast: a small PB&J sandwich. 

     A second later, Fenton popped out of the kitchen. He gave his boss a bright smile, which was the polar opposite of how the young duck had been the night before. Seeing that the inventor hadn't snapped at him, Fenton plaster another smile over his face. "Made you breakfast. M'ma got back from work a few minutes ago and went to sleep, so I made you breakfast. I didn't know what you liked, so I made you PB&J."

     The doctor shot his subordinate a wary look, but he was very hungry, so he grabbed the sandwich and proceeded to eat it. All of the niceness that Gyro had felt last night was completely gone. He had gone back to his old self. 

     After finishing his sandwich, Gyro asked Fenton where the bathroom was, went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up a little to seem more presentable. When he left the bathroom, he didn't see Fenton anywhere, so he snuck by the kitchen and walked out the front door. 

     In his car, Gyro contemplated about the events of last night. His thoughts would drift to Officer Cabrera more often than not. Eventually, Gyro decided to forget about what had happened for the rest of the drive to his home.

A/N: I know it's short, but whatever. Its just a filler chapter. I'm working on more chapters coming soon!

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