I Got You

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Description: Your best friend Finn calls you at two in the morning crying about his now ex-girlfriend cheating on him. Heartbroken he calls the only person who can make him feel like he isn't falling apart. -Slight Angst, slight fluff? (A/n I just made up his ex's name.)

Groaning when I hear my phone go off I slip my hand out from under the pile of blankets grabbing it off the nightstand. Squinting at the light I spot the time reading two am before I see Finn's face flashing on the screen.

"Finn? Why on earth are you calling me at two in the morning?"

"(Y/n) can you come get me? Please."

Finn sniffles into the phone his voice sounding gruff sitting straight up I push the blankets off me moving my hair out of my face.

"What's wrong babes?"

"Clara she she."

"Shh it's okay just take a deep breath for me okay?"

Waiting for him to take a few deep breaths while I get dressed in a jacket and a pair of sweats.

"She cheated on me."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I I just caught her."

"What a dick where are you?"

"Outside her apartment."

"I'll be there in ten minutes don't go anywhere."

Hanging up I grab my car keys heading downstairs and out the door locking it behind me. She better pray to whatever or whoever she believes in that I don't get ahold of her. Driving through the dark empty streets I scan the parking lot when I get closer to her apartment building. Spotting a figure leaning against a wall I pull up my headlights shining over Finn. Turing the car off I climb out walking over and wrapping my arms around him as his face rests against my neck.

"I got you."

I say softly rubbing his back as his shoulders shake standing in the dark I wait until he's calmed down before leading him to the car.

"Thanks for coming to get me."

"I promised I always would didn't I?

He gives a nod squeezing my hand as I back out of the parking lot heading for my place. Riding in silence I bite my lip listening to him sniffle letting out a slight hiccup. Parking in the driveway I get out grabbing his hand and pulling him inside locking the door behind us.

"Head on up to my room I'll get you something to wear."

Watching as he climbs the stairs I go into the kitchen getting him a bottle of water before going to the spare room. Whenever Finn stayed over he always managed to leave a piece of clothing. I had at least three outfits for him that he never took back. Searching through the closet I pull a tee shirt and pair of sweatpants out for him then head up to my room.

"Here ya go love."


Sitting on my bed I wait while he goes into the bathroom changing setting his dirty clothes on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Come have a seat."

Pulling the covers back I let him crawl under resting on the pillows.

"If you're tired you can stay in here I can sleep in the spare room."

"Please don't leave me alone."

He says softly wrapping his hand around my arm pulling me back to lay down beside him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not much to say really I went out with a few of the guys for a late dinner and movie. It finished twenty minutes earlier than I thought it would so I went over. Using my key I walk in and saw them fucking right in the middle of the living room."

"Wow seriously right there?"

"Yeah I took the key tossed it on the floor told her to delete my number and that I would have someone pick my stuff up."

"I'm sorry Finn."

"Not your fault but thank you."

We lay in silent I wrap my arms around him looking at him with a slight smile.

"Want me to put her in a sharpshooter I don't think Nattie would mind."

Chuckling slightly he shakes his head pressing a kiss to my forehead letting his eyes fall shut.

"Don't need you getting in any trouble."

"Just know if you ever need me too I got you Finn you're my best friend."

"Thanks (y/n) you're my best friend too."

He says yawning I wait for him to fall asleep pulling the blanket up and covering us before falling to sleep as well.
Short and simple hope you at least kinda like :)

Finn Bálor One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now