Forever and Always

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This is another song based one shot the song is Forever and Always By Parachute.
I did, however, switch it to it being y/n instead of Fergal because I couldn't bring myself to do 'that' and by 'that' you'll see the farther you read.
Description: Fergal will love (y/n) forever and always no matter what happens. -It's kinda sad af

Fergal sits at the table sipping the cup of coffee he made while waiting for (y/n) to come home from work. He had the day off and they had planned to spend the evening together relaxing maybe watch a few movies. Glancing at the clock he sees it's going on eight she should have been home over an hour ago. Looking at his phone to see if there are any missed messages or calls he decides to ring up her best friend since they work together. 

"Hello(y/bff/n) speaking."

"Hi it's Fergal."

"It's so nice to hear from you (y/n) was just telling me earlier you were home for a few days."

"That I am I was wondering if she went home with ya she isn't back yet and I know she got off at six-thirty."

"No, she's not with me I haven't seen her or spoke with her since I got off at four."

"Oh alright, I was just a bit worried she usually calls if she's going to be late."

"The boss might have had an emergency and needed her maybe you should give her cellphone a call."

"Thanks, I'll do that and have her text you when she gets home."

Hanging up he presses the speed dial button confused on why it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hello love it's me I was wondering where ya were since you haven't made it home yet. Give me a call when you get this so I know you're alright. I love you."

Ending the call Fergal looks out the window at the snow-covered ground it was crazy to still see snow and almost be the end of March. He was more than ready for springtime and new that (y/n)  was ready for it too. When the phone rings he rushes back to the table picking it up hoping to hear his fiancee's voice.


"Is this Fergal Devitt?"

"Yes, it is who am I speaking with?"

"This is officer Trenton I was asked to call you and have you come to the hospital it's involves your fiancee."

"What's wrong?"

"Something has happened and the doctor said you should come right now."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hanging up once more Fergal slips on his things asking his neighbor to give him a ride to the hospital. Sitting in the passenger seat Fergal can't help but let his mind drift back to December when he finally asked her to be his wife.

"Feg where on earth are we going?"

"Don't worry love you'll see in a moment."

Smiling as she grips his hand to keep from tripping Fergal guides her to the large fountain the Christmas lights on it shining brightly.

"Okay, when I tell ya too open yer eyes."

"Got it."

Releasing her hand Fergal gets on one knee thankful someone had cleared off the sidewalk so his pants wouldn't get wet on the concrete.

"Open your eyes, my love."

(Y/n) opens her eyes glancing around before noticing Fergal on one knee a beautiful ring sat in a black velvet box in his hand.

"(Y/n) you have made me the happiest man alive I don't think it's possible for anyone to match what I feel for ya love. You are the brightest thing in my life right next to my family I want you forever and always. I want to love you through the good and the bad and the ugly through the weeks of traveling I want you to know that at the end of the day I'm still yours. I wanna grow old together with you if possible have a family of our own forever and always I promise to love you. So (y/f/n) (y/l/n) will you marry me?"

Wiping the tears from her eyes (y/n) nods saying a soft yes Fergal grins sliding the ring on her slightly trembling hand. Standing he pulls her close pressing a kiss kiss to her lips as she smiles back to him whispering forever and always against his lips.

"We're here please let me know what's going on I'll be in the waiting room."

"Thank you I appreciate it."

Walking in the entrance Fergal goes right to the front desk wringing his hands nervously.

"I'm here about (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) the police told me to show up."

"Yes sir follow me."

Following behind the nurse she gets a doctor who shakes his hand the two leading him down what felt like a million halls. This place is more like a maze than a hospital he just wanted to get to his woman. He tries to listen as they tell him about an accident someone slid on a patch of ice ramming her car down an embankment which flipped it before hitting a tree. Fergal feels his heart drop he couldn't seem to focus on what they were saying they sounded so far away. Stopping in front of the door the doctor gives him a pat on the shoulder walking away trying to keep a straight face he steps in the room.


Sitting next to her bed he tries his hardest not to look at all the wires covering her body the cuts on her face. Taking her only uninjured hand in his he holds it tightly as he carefully pushes some hair from her eyes.

"Baby I'm so sorry."

Clearing his throat he places a kiss to the back of her hand as she takes a shallow breath looking at him.

"It wasn't your fault they say they say it was a sheet of black ice."

(Y/n) whispers as they start talking about the kids they're gonna have and how good life will be for them.

"At least at least two kids?"

"Mhm baby at least two or more if you want."

"Can we get a house in Ireland near your parents?"

"If that's what you want my love, of course, we can."

"On a hillside one with a great view where we can stay forever."

Fergal tries to hold the tears back as she lets out a small groan of pain shakily licking her lips

"We'll grow old together yeah?"

"Yes we will."

"I want you to promise me no matter what happens whether we're rich or poor or for better that we'll still love each other forever and always."

"I promise you and I promise I am going to love you for the rest of my existence."

Fergal sits up when he gets an idea calling for a nurse to come in he leans down so Fergal can whisper in his ear. He asks them to bring the chaplain up before asking the couple next door who just got out of leg surgery to borrow their wedding rings. A small group of people stand near the bed as the chaplain reads a few verses. Fergal cracks a small joke about (y/n) having to wait to enjoy their honeymoon the group laughs a little as tears fall down their cheeks. This was the kind of thing that they thought would only happen in a story they never thought they would see it in real life. Fergal slips the ring on her finger as he clears his throat to say the few short words he knew would mean the world to the two of them.

"(Y/n) I love you I want you forever yes that means forever and always through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together and I want you to always remember whether happy or sad or whatever we'll still love each other forever and always."

Tears stream down his face as he finishes the vows the beeping on her heart monitor getting too slow and her voice is almost too low for Fergal to hear as she says her vows him helping her slip the ring on his hand then giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

" you forever...forever and always.. Please.. just remember.. even if I'm not there... I'll always love you.. forever and always."
I'm sobbing I need some tissues.

Finn Bálor One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now