Jealous Looks Cute On You

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Quick author's note I known Jon came back(I'm so excited but I'm still going to use Dean in these.
Description: Fergal gets jealous of all the time you're spending with Roman. -A smudge of Angst, some fluff

Finn's POV
"Have you two planned where you're spending your week off?"

"Yeah we're going back to Bray for five days then the last two we're spending in Brooklyn since that's where the next house show is."

"We all should get breakfast the day you get back."

"That sounds like fun babe what do you think?"

"Mhm sure a great idea."

I reply watching as (y/n) turns her attention back to Roman they laugh together as he tells her one of the stories from his NXT days. Rubbing the back of my neck I finish my lunch when Seth comes over.

"Hey man you alright?"

I hold a finger up when (y/n) tells me she's going with Roman to find Dean to warm up a bit.

"Okay meet me at six for our dinner date."

"Will do love you."

"Love you too."

I call as she kisses me quickly before leaving with Roman turning my attention back to Seth I sigh.

"Don't get me wrong I love Roman he's a great friend but I'm tired of my girlfriend spending all her time with him."

"What do you mean all her time?"

"She's spent more time with him the last three days then we have in the last week."

"Have you talked with her about it?"

"No I don't want her to think I'm jealous."

"But you are?"

"Well I don't want her ta know that."

Seth chuckles eating some of his food as I text my mum about us coming to visit.

"Just don't let your anger get the best of you okay?"

"Don't worry I won't."

"Good because I don't want to have to kick your ass if you upset her."

"What I thought we were best friends."

"We are but she's my best friend too and she gets me coffee whenever I'm not able too."

"So your biased wow."

Seth shrugs with a smile finishing his lunch waiting for him to come back to the table I stand.

"Will ya work out with me for a while? I could really use a work out to clear my head."

"Sure let's go change and then we can head to the gym."

Going up to our separate rooms we agree to meet right outside of the hotel gym which was only open to the Superstars for the next few hours. Grabbing a pair of shorts I change gathering my towel and water bottle. Making sure I have my key I go to the elevator pressing the first floor. Humming to myself I make my way to the gym waiting for Seth who arrives shortly after.

"Alright Balor let's get this workout on!"
"I always feel like I may slightly die after such an intense work out."

Seth breaths as we ride the elevator back up to our floor.

"Yeah that one was a real ass kicker."

"New deadboys one I think it's really gonna give the group a run for their money."

"They're going to need a lot of water and maybe a oxygen tank."

I grin stepping off the elevator waving to him I head for the room so I can shower before I have to meet (y/n) for dinner.

"Hey babe."

"Oh hi darlin I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"I just got out of the shower Galina called so I told Roman I would see him tomorrow."


Getting a change of clothes I head into the bathroom taking a nice hot shower.

"Roman showed me this new project he's working on for Jo's room and it's so adorable."

"That's nice."

I reply as she comes in I wash my hair letting the water ease my shoulder while I rinse.

"He wanted to know if we would go with him to pick some stuff out for her I said I'd talk to you."

"How does Galina feel about you guys spending all this time together?"

"She doesn't mind at all why."

"I was just wondering how she felt about sharing her husband."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"It's nothing forget it."

"It's gotta be something if it makes you wonder something like that there is nothing going on between Roman and I."


Shutting the water off I wrap a towel around then use one to dry my hair.

"Are you jealous?"

"Uh no."

"Sounds to me like you are."

She hums following me into the room I slip on a pair of boxers then my pants.

"Well can you blame me? You've spent more time with Roman that last three days then you have with me this whole week. I miss you and it's like we're not even in the same place."

"Baby come on I've only been spending time with him because he misses his family and needs help making up missing Jo's dance recital. I love you and only you I'll tell you what let's spend two hours helping him pick stuff out tomorrow then we come back here. Spend the rest of the weekend just the two of us doing whatever your little heart desires."

"Are you sure? I'm sorry for getting upset I just miss you."

"I'm absolutely sure I'm sorry for neglecting you."

(Y/n) smiles giving me a kiss I wrap my arms around her waist resting my forehead on hers.

"Let's go to dinner now."

"Okay and I'm sorry for being jealous."

"That's alright jealous looks cute on you."

Finn Bálor One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now