Oh yeah, remember she was in this story? (Chapter 6)

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~file Reset. Load new file? No. Yes.~

Error woke in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by blinding lights and a comfortable feeling throughout his broken bones. 'Is this what death feels like' Error wondered blissfully as the feeling engulfed his very soul.

Error then heard shuffling around him, and suddenly knew he was not alone.

Fear eventually won over his senses and he shot straight out of the comfortable embrace like feeling, only to see that he was in the house of the skeleton brothers.

Error looked around the house in disbelief, wondering which skeleton (or goat or human, or whatever) would willing allo- wait.

He had done this before.... All of this in fact.....And he knew exactly what kind of monster resided in this house.

Error looked down towards his horrifically scared hands, silently contemplating wether or not this was a dream or some form of deja vu, when he saw strange silver cuffs on his wrists.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

In his frightened state Error failed to notice a familiar looking skeleton walk by the couch he was on and sit down.

"Oh hey, welcome back to the land of the living"

Error was startled by the voice, and turned to see a brown clad skeleton staring at him. Wait, this had also happened before.... What was going on? Everything was the same as the first time, except that the sans was clearly straining his to-good-to-be-true-smile (trademark) and seemed to be in pain.

After thoroughly looking the still unnamed skeleton over, Error's attention quickly turned back to the cuffs, as they were clearly the most important new development.

"Oh those,"

The small sans spoke, starting Error way to much for it have been normal.This was just getting freaky.

"They're.... Just so you'll stay till you can heal. I know they're likely not comfortable, but it's for your own safety"

Defended the brown clad sans. There must have been a reset, the taller of the two concluded, and learning from last time, now I have cuffs...

Error really didn't have time for this. Even if this idiot thinks I'm dumb enough to not catch on to this obvious ambush plan, Inky could come any second now, and no chains will stop me.

Error swiftly broke the cuffs, obviously startaling the small sans, and he stood up.

"W--wE're D-D-d0n3 H3re-e"

As the glitched skeleton turned to face the door once again, hoping to leave this time, he once again felt a sharp pain in his neck, as he blacked out.

~file Reset. Load new file? No. Yes.~


~- two days, and two resets earlier -~

~ ??? P.o.v. ~

"You know you won't be able to last that long,"

I told Quill. The small skeleton never seemed to understand the gravity of his power, or the cost.

"What if you have to reset again for some reason?!?!"

Quill sighed,

"Then I'll just reset. It isn't even that bad"

THIS LITTLE PUNK!!!! I thought angrily. I may not have to deal with the responsibility of his power, but he sure as all heck comes to me afterwards!!!

I grabbed the collar of Quill's shirt and lift him up to eye level. I'm not completely sure, but the look on his terrified face tells me that my eyelights have disappeared.

"Your soul cracks when you use the reset. How do you not understand this."

I drop Quill back onto his bed. Still greatly agitated that he had even suggested going back to his AU alone. we've been discussing this problem for months at this point. But it always dissented into the same argument. I'd say it was to dangerous, he'd say I do way worse things on a daily bases, so I had no room to judge.

Which I guess is true..... Is aggravating the God of Creation every day really that bad though? The stick he has shoved up is butt is in so far, that he is always to dumb to ever hurt me. Plus, the pranks I pull never put me into any real danger... Except that once.. And that other time....... And all those times before that.

I chuckle to myself, now that I truly think about it, goodness I really am a hypocrite aren't I?

I mean, what would Imprint say about this? His long time rival, the God of pranks, was being stern to a skeleton, when the worst that could happen is that he would have to come back and get healed if he reset.

"Fine, you can go"

As a say that, I can see Quill cheering to himself, obviously pleased that he could return to his home AU.


Quill's small celebration was immediately put on paused as he grumbled out a quiet 'what?'

"I'm coming to check on you in three days, at most"

The brown clad skeleton moaned, obviously annoyed with this outcome. However, he mumbled out a quick 'fine' before Quill swiftly put on his favorite this-is-way-to-big-for-me-but-so-is-everything-else (trademark) brown trench coat and opened a portal to his AU.

He paused for a moment before stepping through the portal, and turned back to meet my gaze.

"I'll be careful, no worries. Thanks Magenta!"

Then he slipped into his portal, and he was gone.


You know that feeling, when you don't post a chapter for months, then after you post it, you feel really creative, so you write another chapter, and you know it'll probably be another month or three before you want to write the next one, but you post the new chapter anyway??

I'm so sorry XD

But hey! Double update!!

It ended kinda cliff hanger-ish, and it's not that long, but you know! It'll be fine!


Oh yeah! If you notice any mistakes, inconsistencies, or overall bad writing on my part, don't be afraid to tell me about it!!

I really appreciate the support and love for this story.., so yeah!

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