The Extraction

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Somewhere in Russia (the place where you do the mission Heat in COD MW remastered)

"This is Command, what's your status, over". "We were pinned down and outnumbered, some of us are KIA, requesting for immediate extraction, over". Soap replied to the comms. "Okay Bravo 2-1, we're sending black hawks to your location, eta 6 minutes"."Copy that command".

You see Soap heading your way with a serious face.
Y/n: So are they coming yet?
Soap: Yeah, but we need to hold the enemy reinforcements coming
Y/n: All right let's do this

You reload your M16A4 SOPMOD, placing claymores, placing barricades and gathering ammos as many as you can get.
Suddenly, you heard an explosion coming from one claymore that is placed down the hill.

SAS soldier 1: Enemy reinforcements!

Soap: Go to your defensive positions.

You use a mounted minigun in a destroyed black hawk and fire at the enemies. After you suppress fire to the enemies, Soap tells you to detonate the explosive mines that you set up before the enemies arrived.

SAS soldier 2: Enemy choppers incoming!

Soap: Y/n use the stingers from the weapons cache in the barn!

You went to the barn and grab one stinger. You locked it in the attack helicopter then, the chopper go KABOOM.

Soap: Squad regroup on me.

You regrouped with your squad then suddenly....

SAS soldier 1: Man down!

Y/n: Sniper! Get down!

Soap: Command, we need to know where's the enemy sniper at.

Command: Okay we're sending an AC-130 to your location and to cover your extraction.

Soap: Understood.

3 minutes later...

Angel 0-1: Bravo 2-1 this is Angel 0-1 we're entering your airspace, be ready for extraction, over.

Soap: All right let's do this.

You hear an explosion 30 meters away from your position and then...

Angel 0-1: Sniper down. Bravo 2-1, we're tracking 5 armoured vehicles 500 meters away from your position, over.

Soap: Requesting danger close fire mission, over.

Angel 0-1: Request granted, enganging enemy armoured vehicles.

You heard the explosion and you saw the vehicles explode and you saw enemy choppers heading your way.

Angel 0-1: Bravo 2-1 we're detecting some enemy choppers are arriving at your position.

Soap: Engage the choppers at your will.

The choppers went down and explode. And another convoy of trucks arriving.

Angel 0-1: Sorry Bravo 2-1, we can't support you. We need to resupply and re-fuel, over?

Soap: Damn it! We need to get extract command.

Command: The black hawks are arriving, connecting to the pilots now, callsign; Hawk 2-1 and the support chopper Hawk 2-2.

Hawk 2-1: This is Hawk 2-1, bravo 2-1 pop some green smoke in the LZ, over?

Soap: Y/n po some green smoke.

You popped green smoke at 50 meters away.

Hawk 2-1: I've seen the green smoke bravo 2-1, hawk 2-2 provide some gun run at the enemy vehicles, over?

Hawk 2-2: Engaging now!

You see the other black hawk engage the enemies and make explosions from it. Then suddenly...
You got shot at your chest and nearly get killed from an grenade explosion.
You're severly injured. Soap grabbed you and tell the pilot to go to a near military medical ward. Then you passed out.

A/n: So that's the first part of the story. Sorry if my grammar in this story is bad and the plot of the story is not good is because this is my first time to write a story.

I wrote this story for fun and for a reason. The reason is that some overwatch x readers are not continued and sometimes I rarely seen some stories that have many parts, so yeah thanks for reading

Cheers mates!

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