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Bugs couldn't sleep that night either.

So she did what did best.

Accept this time, she didn't paint

She wrote.

'This is really weird. I know. Especially because I don't think anyone's getting this but here we go.'


Bill woke up to a uncomfortable tickle on his right arm. He thought it was just an itch but after itching it multiple times, it still didn't stop.

He groaned, looking down to his forearm only to see pretty cursive beginning to he scribbled.

'this is really weird, I know. Especially because I don't think anyone's getting this but here we go.'

Bills eyes widened, she didn't think he existed?


She thought she didn't have a soulmate.

The writing continued.

'if you have to live with all of my horrible art on your body, I'm so sorry. I hope we can meet soon. If you're out there... So yeah.. bye I guess...'

Bill almost passed out.

He felt really bad because she thought she was going to be alone her whole life.

So he did what he could.


Bugs sighed after once again not getting a response.

She laid herself out on the couch of her living room.

Her father was out with a coworker.... "Strictly Business".

Bugs knew that was Bullshit.

The girl sighed, bored out of her mind, that was until she felt a tickle on her left arm.

She freaked out. She'd never felt whatever that was so she instantly assumed it was a spider or something.

She shot up, brushing her arm off aggressively, only to be met with the tingling not stopping.

She calmed herself and decided to just man up and take a look.

What she saw almost made her cry.

Messy hand writing was coming through in light blue pen.

'im sorry you felt alone for so long.'

Boys Will Be BugsWhere stories live. Discover now