
22 2 1

The pair still hadn't met yet and it had been about two weeks since Bill had wrote back. Somehow, Bugs missed him.

She missed his messy handwriting on her skin, reminding her someone was meant for her.

That day during her least favorite class, science, she drew a little tic tac toe board on her wrist, putting a little X in the center.

She wrote,

'wanna play? The class I'm in sucks.'


Bill looked down and was greeted by a little message and a tic tac toe board. This made him smile like a six year old.

He tapped his friend named Ben and asked him if he could lend him a pen for the class.

After about a minute of Ben searching his backpack for one, he pulled out a purple pen and gave it to the waiting boy.

Bill thanked him and put a small O over the girls X.

He wrote back,

'what class are you in? I bet it's not as bad as mine.'

The boy heard someone laugh from the back of the class but chose to ignore it.


Bugs laughed at what the boy had written back before putting an X next to his O.

She wrote back,

'it definitely is. I'm in science and we're watching this awful doc.'

Bugs saw a boy about two rows up from her freeze, staring straight ahead.

She had assumed she just missed something weird in the documentary but boy was she wrong.


Bill froze. She was in the same room as him?!

Maybe there was another science class watching a shitty documentary...

He took the risk and turned around.

That's when he saw it.

He saw the beautiful girl, staring at her arm, awaiting his response.

"H-holy shit..." He whispered to himself, turning back around and questioning what to write back to her.

In the end he decided on this,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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