You threw (insert pasta) out the window because...

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Aries: ChArLie (OC) - he tried to turn you into a mannequin while you were asleep.

Taurus: BEN Drowned - he broke your laptop after using it

Gemini: Sally - she cut your teddy bear into a million pieces.

Cancer: OffenderMan - he harassed you

Leo: Glitchy Red - he was making fun of Lost Silver

Virgo: Laughing Jill - she wouldn't stop making knock knock jokes

Libra: Eyeless Jack - he stole your kidney while you were sleeping.

Scorpio: Clockwork - her ticking eye clock kept you from sleeping

Sagittarius: Homicidal Liu/Sully - he wouldn't stop talking about Jeff.

Capricorn: Hoodie - he kept recording you while you were asleep

Aquarius: Bloody Painter - he Drew on your face while you were asleep on the couch.

Pisces: Jeff The Killer - he stabbed you

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