Who plays FNAF with you and their reactions

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Aries: Jane The Killer - "Not too bad-WHAT THE FUCK?! WHERE DID MANGLE GO?!" Mangle jump scare "AGH! FUCK YOU ARIES!"

Taurus: Bloody Painter - "You're very quiet Helen. What's -Helen?" Helen turns to Taurus with a frightened expression "Springtrap's gone." "FUCK HELEN!!!"

Gemini: Masky - "So I just shine a flashlight and check the camera's?" "Pretty much. If an animatronic steps into the office,just put on the head." "This sounds so borin-OH ZALGO WHERE'D CHICA GO?!?!"

Cancer: Laughing Jack - "LJ?" "Yes?" "Did you wind up the music box?" "Uuhhhhh-SHIT THE BOX IS OPEN! WE'RE DEAD!"

Leo: Nina The Killer - Foxy runs towards the office screaming "Oh no you don't Mr.Fox! Fuck you!" Closes door before Foxy can enter

Virgo: Corrupted Amya (OC) - "You should blink,CA." "If I blink these creepy fuckers are gonna kill me!" "JUST BLINK!" CA blinks and her eyes widened "What now?!" "Virgo....I can't find Bonnie. He's gone." Bonnie jump scare "AHHHHH!!!! KILL IT! KILL IT!" hits Virgo's phone with her bat as she yells curses in Korean "I'M NOT PLAYING WITH YOU ANYMORE VIRGO!"

Libra: Eyeless Jack - "WHERE'D THE CHICKEN GO?!" rappidly searches the rooms until he gets jump scared by Chica "THIS GAME SUCKS!" Throws phone on the floor

Scorpio: BEN Drowned - "Pfft. I don't know why everybody thinks this-WHERES THE MANGLED WIREY FOXY THINGY?!?!?" screams in glitchy as mangle jump scares him

Sagittarius: Clockwork - Camera glitches in main room and Chica disapears "Nope. By. I don't want to mess with no demon chicken. You're on your own Sagittarius."

Capricorn: Jeff The Killer - "Tch. This game is for lo-OH MY FUCK! CAPRICORN WHERE'D THE PIRATE FUCK GO?!" Rapidly flashes flashlight until it dies "We're dead!" "No Jeffery. You're dead."

Aquarius: Homicidal Liu/Sully - "Aquarius???" "yes?" "Where's Puppet!?" "Oh shit...."

Pisces: Ticci-Toby - Nightmare Freddy jumpscare "WAA-A! KIL-L IT! KILL I-T WITH FI-RE! BU-RN IT! BRE-AK IT A-PART!"

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