Part 4 - Kissed Him Lightly

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That morning I woke up to my alarm ringing. I dragged myself out of bed. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I walked through to my bathroom and showered. When I got out of the shower I dried my hair, quite slowly. I never bothered to put any makeup on, I just didn't want to. I skipped breakfast that morning I thought I'd just grab some coffee at the hospital. I grabbed my keys from the table and walked out the door.

When I arrived at the hospital I got into the elevator. I didn't know if I could face seeing Drake without crying. It's just so sad to see him lying there unable to speak. I could feel my eyes watering "stop it" I said to myself. I got off of the elevator on lever 4 and walked to Drake's ward.

I saw Drake lying in his bed, he looked so miserable. When I walked over to him I could see his eyes light up. I kissed him lightly on his forehead and said "I've missed you." He nodded as if he was saying "I've missed you too."

The doctor came through.

"Good news" he said "Drake you're going home." The doctor had explained to me the day before that if Drake could stay at my place for a while there would be no problem with him getting out. Drake's eyes lit up, he looked so happy.

I helped Drake get himself ready to leave. He could hardly stand up by himself, thank goodness I lived on the bottom floor. The doctor gave me Drake's medication that he was supposed to take every 2 hours. Drake had his arm around me as I helped him walk to my car. I put his bags in my trunk and drove home.

We got to my place and I helped Drake walk over to the sofa. He sat down and smiled, this was the first time I had seen him smile since the operation. I smiled back. Even though his jaw was wired shut, his smile was still one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

That night I slept on the sofa so that Drake could have my bed. All night Drake was all I could think about. I loved him so much and all I wanted was for him to get better. He will get better I promised myself, I had promised Drake the same thing.

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