Part 5 - Stained With Tears

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That morning I woke up with a sore back and a crick in my neck. I rubbed it off and went to check on Drake. I had heard some noise last night but I just assumed that it was my upstairs neighbours. I walked down the hall to my bedroom where Drake was sleeping. I opened the door, it creaked loudly. I went over to the bed and pulled the cover off but Drake, wasn't there. I started to panic, I could feel my palms sweating, where was he? I quickly checked all over the bedroom, but he wasn't anywhere. I went back into the hall and noticed the bathroom door was slightly open, I knocked then went in. I saw Drake lying on the floor, with a knife at his wrist. 

"Drake, no!" I shouted. He turned around, his face was stained with tears. He put the knife down and murmured "I can't take this anymore." He picked up the knife and held it to his flesh. I was just about to stop him but he dropped the knife and dissolved into tears. I knelt beside him and hugged him. I whispered "We will get through this together." 

I cleaned him up and took away the knife in case he decided to kill himself while I was out of the room. I sat him on the bed and sat myself beside him. He looked into my eyes as if everything was okay, but I knew that it wasn't. "Drake" I said. He looked at me and he started to cry. "Do you want to talk to anyone about this, and get some help?" He shook his head.  

All I could think about for the rest of the day was this morning. Is this what I'm going to have to live with, could I cope with that? I haven't told Drake this yet but, I suffer from depression. I didn't want to tell Drake, not when he's like this. 

I thought about what Drake said earlier and I know he didn't want any help but, I just had to get him some anyway. If I did get Drake help, would he hate me for it, would he leave me? These questions circled round in my head for hours until I decided to trust Drake and leave it, unless it gets worse. 

When I got home after picking up Drake's medication I went into the living room but Drake wasn't there. I thought he was in the bathroom trying to kill himself again and I could feel my eyes watering. I checked in the bathroom but he wasn't in there either. I went to look for him in the bedroom and I could see him sitting on the edge of the bed playing my guitar, he was so good. I stood and watched him for a while until he realized that I was there. He turned around and asked me to sit with him. He started to play a song called "Everything Is Gonna Be Okay" I knew the song but forgot who it belonged to. I started to sing along and at that moment Drake stopped playing, looked right into my eyes and kissed me. 

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