Chapter 4:The Acceptance

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The book was awesome. It understood what I wanted more than me. I thought about something, and I found that in the book. It was freaky, but I happened to like that. That did not mean the information I read didn't scare me. I was definitely scared after reading that page. I was happy that there were no pictures. The pictures for sure would be nightmare material. And I got enough nightmares and I didn't need few more. My nightmares usually showed colours, or I remembered only colours after waking up. I was going with the latter option because it made sense. And I didn't want to relive them in the daytime.

I didn't know what Chris was doing. He was in the living room writing reports or talking to people back home. At least that's what he said when I asked him. I didn't know where he lived. Considering he kept an eye on me all the time for danger, he must live real close. And I had Mrs.Walker, of course. She must be very good Projector. I would talk to her knowing that she is my mentor now. The situation is different now. She was my aunt earlier and then she wasn't. I didn't know if it would be awkward.

Chris was talking on the phone when I entered the room to check up on him. I didn't want to disturb him, so I went in the kitchen to drink some water. By the time I came back, he had been sitting and scrolling on his phone.

"So who was on the other side of the line?"

"My brother, Carl. He misses us."

I hated how much I didn't remember. Did I have siblings I didn't remember? And Chris was also missing him.

"For the record, you don't have siblings. Don't look so horrified. And I have only Carl. He is back after leaving us for a year."

And he left his family for me? Why?

"I wasn't forced or anything. It is my choice. I know it isn't getting in your head. You are my best friend. I would never abandon you. We do every stupid thing together. And I was there when you fought. It isn't your fault. We are training partners. I can't not help you. And you definitely need help. Who knows what trouble you might get into if I am not with you?"

"But still, you had to leave your life."

"You also left your life. You are the princess there. You weren't safe there. Moreover, we had to leave someday for the final test. It just happened early in our case. Don't be guilty. Please. It isn't your fault. If it is someone's fault, its Savir's. And all of us love you enough to risk anything. Tell me if things were reversed, wouldn't you go charging in harm's way to help us?"

Well. I would.

"I think you have your answer. Just focus on learning and getting better. As soon as you can, get your memory back. Then we can go back. Okay?"


I nodded. He was right, but I was the reason this happened. Nothing he said would change that. I would do anything to make things right. Many people were suffering because of me.

The door opening stopped my guilty feelings short. Mrs.Walker entered the room. She was in her fifties. She had a friendly smile on her tired face. She was beautiful. And my mentor for the time being.

"So you know what's happening?"

I realized she was talking to me.I nodded.

"Its good Princess. We didn't want to lie. But we had no choice. You weren't strong enough to handle the truth. You have been living here only for three weeks and your implanted memory made it easy for your recovery. Or else, you would have strained. It wasn't healthy for your condition."

"I understand that."

She smiled.

"We know you do. We just want you to stay safe. We know the person you were dealing with was dangerous. Though we don't know the complete details of your fight, but we know both of you coming out of there alive is a miracle. Many people thought he died, but the truth finally came out."

She sighed.

Why was Savir wanted? Her words implied that he was some sort of a criminal. He would be if he tried to kill someone. Not to mention he tried to kill a princess. That would be considered treason, right?

"You can start your practice from tomorrow. You shouldn't waste time. You have to complete your training and it would be a hard job because you have to start from the scratch. And work in your memory block too."

Yeah. I knew that. And I had less time. They didn't tell me but I figured out by their tone. I was going to get very tired from training.

"I guess I wouldn't go back to school now. There would be no time. I will be learning and practicing, right?"

They didn't answer. Silence was the best answer sometimes.

"When will I meet my parents?"

"Soon. They are distraught. They want you back more than anything but your safety can't be compromised in any way."

I understood that.

"And am I safe here? He threatened me a few hours ago. How do you think he managed that?"

I didn't know why my voice was raising. Instead of being grateful, I was being stupid. They were trapped in the same way as me.

"That will be taken care of. He just used a projection of him. If he knew where you were, you would see the real him. Not a projection. You are safe, and we will keep you safe, always."

They really would do that. I could see in their serious faces. I decided to trust them. I couldn't let them down after everything they did for me. They trusted me and I couldn't fail them. I wouldn't let an evil, seemingly undead mastermind ruin my world and harm anyone.

I was gonna fight back.

Author's note:
So nothing major happened in this chapter. But it will happen soon.
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